You can't help me.

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    • You can't help me.

      Nobody can help me anymore. I am on my own in my room with matches and a candle. That dosent sound dangerous. But I can't cut myself so I burn myself. Why you might ask. Because my life is hell. My dad hates me and lives 14 hour drive away not that I would ever want to see him. He verbally abused me for 5 years. I haven't seen him for 6 months and he hasn't called for 4 months. I'm a middle child so my bro has money in the bank for collage and I have 3 years to get ready for the crap that awaits. My lil bro has 8 years to get enough cash for collage. And no support from my mom because she's got her boyfriends and her baby on the way. No matter how much I beg my friends to find me help they shrug it off like I lie to them. I burn my palms till they blister. They laugh. They say get over it and that they've gone thru worse. Today in English class we were practicing speeches. My friends speech is about how we shouldn't ignore friends who need help. Yet as I sit at home burning my palms and pouring the wax on my skin she hasn't helped me. I can't tell my mom anything like being 15 I should have hit puberty, right? Or I chose a great religion, I'm a Wiccan! If i told her that she would kick me outta the house. Or how bout I have a stress related illness and I get diarrhea all the time. Or I'm close to failing 2 classes in school. Or that every night I pray to the mother goddess to let me die in my sleep so I don't have to live tomorrow. Thank you for reading all about my life even tho u can't help me.
    • Re: You can't help me.

      I don't understand what your problem is.

      I'm going to say get over it just like your friends are. You haven't hit puberty, so what? You can pray all you want but "mother goddess" can't help you with that, nor will pouring hot wax onto your skin. You're almost failing 2 classes in school? Maybe instead of trying to hurt yourself you could be doing homework or something productive because from the sounds of it, you're life really isn't THAT bad that you should be hurting yourself.

      Time to start helping yourself instead of relying on others to.
    • Re: You can't help me.

      The best person to help you, is yourself, even with therapists and friends, they can only show you the path to recovery and feeling better, you still have to walk it all by yourself, with support.

      So your dad hates you, but you dont wanna see him and he barely contacts you or anything, ok so that really isnt an issue anymore? because he isnt in your life much?

      if your failing the classes then there must be a reason, if your struggling then maybe ask the teacher if you can be tuitored or if there are extra classes you can take after school and stuff, thats what I did with maths because I always struggled with it, and i managed to pass just fine with the extra classes after school.

      With college, it seems like your brothers are saving up so maybe you should too, getting a part time job can be alot of fun and you always meet new people, aswell as making a few bucks to go towards your college fund.

      Suprisingly I know quite a bit about Wicca, but it can be a private thing and you never need to tell anybody about it if you dont want too, I think thats half the point of it, so that shouldnt even be an issue either.

      If you want help to get your life on track, thats what support leaders like me are here for, we are not professionals but we are pretty good at giving advice, and my friends never helped me either, I just decided one day I was sick of feeling anxious and depressed and took myself down to the doctors and talked about it and then I took myself to the mental health clinic the next day and it was all go from there.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: You can't help me.

      How badly do you want to go to college? Maybe it's something you've always assumed you'd go to without thinking of the alternatives?

      xSTYGx wrote:

      Time to start helping yourself instead of relying on others to.

      People who are in a vulnerable enough state to self-harm probably aren't quite up to helping themselves. They need support, such as the support Kevmo talks about.
