i think im in love with my best friend

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    • i think im in love with my best friend

      I met this guy in my English class and I instantly knew we would be really great friends. After a while I started to like him you know? Then one day he asked me if I would ever date him. Well Im kinda shy so I just told him that maybe I would. THen he told me that he couldnt date out of his religion and but that he felt the same about me as I did about him. He tried to get me to go to his church with him but my dad wouldnt let me. then i had to move. we still text and talk on facebook but its just not the same. now whenever i text him i tell him about all this stuff that ive been doing and whenever i asked him how hes been he just says that hes fine. it seems like hes totally lost interest in me but he was my best friend and now hes like my only friend because im going through homeschooling right now until i get to highschool next year. i really dont know what to do or who to talk to and its seriously tearing me apart. people say that teenagers cant understand love but thats totally a lie. what should i tell him?
    • Re: i think im in love with my best friend

      Teenagers certainly can understand love. I think that adults try to write that off sometimes because teenagers tend to fall in and out of love easily. A more accurate judgment would be "Teenagers think they are in love more often then they really are." And I think that's what you need to give some thought to. Do you love this guy as a best friend? Of course you do. Is there anything else going on there? Maybe, but you need to think about whether or not it's a good idea to continue pursuing it.

      I don't know how far away the two of you are right now, but if you are unable to see each other, does that leave much of a chance that you could have a relationship together. The answer to that question is almost always no. Even if you are able to get over the distance, then there still seems to be an issue where he isn't willing to date outside his religion... and you aren't his religion. Faith is a very personal thing, I think that it's absurd to say "I have these beliefs but they are so weak that they can be pushed aside because I happen to have a crush on this guy." That's not converting to his religion, that's being a pushover of the worst kind.

      Even if you can get over both of these things, your dad still seems to have these negative thoughts about you going to this guy's church (likely imparted on him by your explanation that you need to change faiths to be in a relationship with this guy... what parent would have a problem with that? :rolleyes:) Your next step would be to convince your parents that this isn't an issue and you should be allowed to try out this church.

      And so on, and so on.

      As you see, there are a HUGE number of obstacles to going out with him. I know that you really like this guy and if all the conditions were in your favor, you would jump on the chance to date him, but the reality is far from the ideal situation. He's already you friend, maybe someday a few years into the future things will have changed, but for now it's almost impossible to make this work. Part of growing up is understanding when reality prevents us from having what we really want. Being grown up is learning how to accept this and continue on despite it.
    • Re: i think im in love with my best friend

      I think youre totally right, but i think i left out a little too much of my story. you see i only live like 4 miles away from him. i moved out of my dads house so now i have to go to a different district's school. hes really not strong with his religion because his parents are divorced and his dad is a jahovah's wittness and his mom is christian. he told me that he stays with his fathers religion out of respect for him but by the time he moves out of his dads house hell propably convert to christianity. he told me last year that when he turned 16 he would ask permission from his dad if he could date me. he like totally gets excited and stuff when we get together and hang out but for some reason he doesnt seem like he ever wants to talk to me on the phone. i dont think that im annoying but who knows? maybe i should just give him some distance for a while and try to reconnect with him.
    • Re: i think im in love with my best friend

      One thing that I'm not clear on is whether or not the 4 miles away is where he moved to, or is he planning on moving further away? If he's only four miles away, that's not a big deal at all. When you talked about him moving away, I was under the impression that it was going to be beyond your means to continue seeing him. Hell, at four miles you could walk and see him. (It wouldn't be a fun walk, but it would at least be possible.)

      As far as the phone goes, don't try to look too much into that. Some people just aren't phone people. If that's not a way he likes to communicate, just smile and figure out something else that works better for him. There is no end of alternatives to keep in touch; text messaging, email, MSN, etc. This is something you are probably best off trying to talk with him about rather than second-guessing him and worrying that he doesn't want to talk to you because you are being annoying.

      Religion is a rough subject sometimes. But it seems like the two of you are interested in working things out between you despite it. It might be a hell of a lot harder for you to get your parents to go along with it, but sometimes just a little time and gentle coaxing work for parents in that way. If one of your parents are reluctant, then arrange to get to know that parent a little bit better, if they have a face and a personality to match to the person that wants to date their child, they might be a little bit more open to it than they would be otherwise.
    • Re: i think im in love with my best friend

      Thanks a whole lot:) I took into consideration all of the things that you said and we worked things out last night. My mom really likes him and his dad likes me so thats not a big issue. I think he told his dad about the religion problem and they worked that out too. He said that he wasnt talking to me a whole lot because he was having problems figuring what he really wanted to do about us. He knew that he wanted to be with me but he needed a way to make his dad understand because his dad has a VERY strong faith but he decided that if it would make us both happy that he would be fine with it. It was knd of awkward talking to his dad about it but I'm just so glad that we got everything all worked out. :p