Need Help Gaining Weight / Muscle...Unique Situation

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    • Need Help Gaining Weight / Muscle...Unique Situation

      So, at age 18 (male) I only weigh, on an average basis, 110lbs at a height of 5'6. I desperately wish to gain more weight / muscle mass, yet I cannot seem to no matter how hard I try. As a child, I had some surgeries that related to problems involving my stomach, yet they in no way impair me from normal functions, yet I think there may be a possible connection with the hindrance of me gaining weight. My family is not the healthiest in the world, and trying to eat healthy is quite tricky; I want to gain good weight, not like the weight the rest of my family possesses. We usually only have precooked, preservative-soaked meals in our freezer / fridge. Also, I have access to a weight set (bar, weights, bench) that I can use to strengthen myself, yet I find it difficult finding time to squeeze such an activity in. I am a very studious student, and I spend much, if not most, of my time at season starts up next month, and I have not done much as of late to prepare myself for it. I guess what I am really asking is, are there any methods that allow for weight / muscle gain that does not require too much time; I am willing to put forth the effort, it's just finding the time to fit everything into my hectic routine that is killing me. I really want this because I am sure that it will also help reduce my stress, which is at an all time high with school and acceptance / rejection letters soon to be given...I want to live a healthier lifestyle, but it seems almost unobtainable to me. Another, equally pressing, concern of mine is staying with it, meaning, I tend to start things and then quit; for lack of motivation, I guess. I don't expect instant results, but sometimes the "light at the end of the tunnel" is just a little too far away. Any suggestions? Thanks!
    • Re: Need Help Gaining Weight / Muscle...Unique Situation

      If you schedule your time properly, it shouldn't be an issue. During high school I spent nearly 4-5 hours a day withs weights, running, basketball, and other training and was still the valedictorian of my grade. :) I actually find I focus better after I've exercised - being healthy can get quite addictive, but if you find you're losing your resolve you could try to find a friend to work out with. Maybe your tennis coach will help you begin training early, or at least help you develop a plan?

      As far as food goes, there's not much you can do besides eat more and try to make healthier choices. It doesn't have to be much more expensive or time-consuming than prepared meals, so it's something to talk to your parents about.
    • Re: Need Help Gaining Weight / Muscle...Unique Situation

      I feel you man! I was once skinny like you, but 5'8 and 110 pounds. Now I'm at around 150 pounds of lean muscle!

      The clue here is to intake more calories than before and eat better foods. Start using bigger plates and bowls and eat big. This includes meat, eggs, foods with protein, vegetables, fruits, brown rice, milk, fish, and etc. Since you need to put on a lot more pounds, I prefer eating every 3 hours until you sleep. Also, I recommend taking protein shakes. Avoid stuff with heavy sugars and high cholesterol like chips, candy, soda, and etc (bad fats). Ask your parents to make more meat and veggies for you!

      To get bigger muscles, you must workout hard and make sure you're increasing weight, reps, or sets every week. Also, food is important to resupply yourself with nutrients because working out uses energy. Make sure you take a day rest in between each workout day because rest is when your muscles grow, not when you workout.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by winklepuff ().