I just don't understand. Need Help!!!

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    • I just don't understand. Need Help!!!

      So recently my girlfriend broke up with me. We had been going out for a month and a half now and everything had been doing great. We never ever fought and we barely had any arguments. We told each other everything that bothered us that the other was doing, so there wouldn't be a chance for us to break up over something stupid. We both always had a great time around each other and always made each other laugh. We both really really liked each other. She means the world to me and I'd do anything for her. But all of a sudden, last monday, she broke up with me. When I asked her why, she gave me three reasons: 1. She said that it was because I saw her so much (we go to the same highschool and see each other in the halls constantly) 2. She said that something I was doing was bothering her a lot. She at first told me it bothered her but then later told me it didn't. If I would've known that it bothered her so much, I would've never ever done it (I don't want to tell you exactly what it was that bothered her but it had to do with touching some places while cuddling) 3. Her third reason she said was the MAIN reason that she broke up with me. She said that when we were together she felt like we were just friends and that she had lost her feelings for me. She said that this started a week before she broke up with me.

      This all doesn't make any sense to me at all. Especially because her last 2 relationships have lasted 6 months plus and after just a month she just stops liking me!! What could cause her to just randomly stop having feelings for me?!? My mom thought that she must have started to like another guy, but when I told her that she denied it and said that she doesn't like another guy. And according to her friends she DEFINITELY doesn't like another guy. I really really like this girl and she's told me the same, but suddenly she doesn't like me anymore. Right now, I'm really confused. Any help or explanations?

      Also, I really want to get her back and want her to have feelings for me again. Any tips or advice?
    • Re: I just don't understand. Need Help!!!

      Talk to her. But in the conversation never talk about yourself, just talk about her. Ask her to give you details for your mistakes and say to her that you want to know your mistakes for later in your life. She will give you details, and next you should ask her if there is a chance if you improve to be together again. She will probably say NO because she doesn't like you, but that must'n dissapoint you. You will start from the beggining but you must improve the things that she said that are bothering her. Try to be a friend to her for a week or 2, if she likes you AS A FRIEND she won't refuse your invitations. After a while, you will be honest with her, and you will say to her that by the time have past, you were trying to change yourself only for her, and only because you want to be with her ( you should really be changed ). You don't want to lie to her so you say to her that you like her so much and never stopped doing that. If she has heart, and if she is a worthy person, than she will say yes.

      I hope this helped,
    • Re: I just don't understand. Need Help!!!

      Well man, some relationships can suffer when they see each other everyday. I would talk to her, but before I would do that, give her some space from you. Leave it maybe a week or two and maybe ask her if you can get coffee with her or something and talk. Its not uncommon to suddenly stop liking someone, it happens to everyone at least once in their life. Like your relationship was in the very early stages, soo its not uncommon for one of the people to realise that they may not feel the same as they did a few weeks previous. Maybe try and not do what bothered her soo much with problem 2. Tell her that you will respect her and refrain from doing that. But with problem 3. Well some relationships can end up like that, and if they do, well sometimes there is not much you can do, if she sees you as just a friend, then you have to respect that. I know its tough and ive been there but its just one of those things that cant be changed.
      Just because her last two relationships lasted 6 months doesn't mean that your relationship would have, some relationships last maybe 2 or 3 years some only a few weeks. Every relationship is different, and we feel different in every relationship, because it is with a different person.
      I think the only thing you can really do here is talk to her in a week or soo, ask her if there will ever be a chance of ye working things out, and if you cant, well all you can do is try and move on, It will be tough, but it will get easier with time. You just have to respect her wishes and take things from there. The old cliche of plenty of fish in the sea is very true. Best of luck man, I do hope it works out, if it doesn't well just try and keep the chin up and keep the faith. I hope this helped.
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.
    • Re: I just don't understand. Need Help!!!

      kopite wrote:

      Well man, some relationships can suffer when they see each other everyday. I would talk to her, but before I would do that, give her some space from you. Leave it maybe a week or two and maybe ask her if you can get coffee with her or something and talk. Its not uncommon to suddenly stop liking someone, it happens to everyone at least once in their life. Like your relationship was in the very early stages, soo its not uncommon for one of the people to realise that they may not feel the same as they did a few weeks previous. Maybe try and not do what bothered her soo much with problem 2. Tell her that you will respect her and refrain from doing that. But with problem 3. Well some relationships can end up like that, and if they do, well sometimes there is not much you can do, if she sees you as just a friend, then you have to respect that. I know its tough and ive been there but its just one of those things that cant be changed.
      Just because her last two relationships lasted 6 months doesn't mean that your relationship would have, some relationships last maybe 2 or 3 years some only a few weeks. Every relationship is different, and we feel different in every relationship, because it is with a different person.
      I think the only thing you can really do here is talk to her in a week or soo, ask her if there will ever be a chance of ye working things out, and if you cant, well all you can do is try and move on, It will be tough, but it will get easier with time. You just have to respect her wishes and take things from there. The old cliche of plenty of fish in the sea is very true. Best of luck man, I do hope it works out, if it doesn't well just try and keep the chin up and keep the faith. I hope this helped.

      Nice one Kopite (Y) :]]