Self harm-help me

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    • Self harm-help me

      why do you harm yourself 6
        thrill (2) 33%
        anger (4) 67%
        depression (5) 83%
        seeking attention (1) 17%
      5 years ago I undergo depression after my father passed away. My mother started working late and I never see her anymore. During that time, I cry everyday for no particular reason. I also had superiority complex where I couldn't deal with anyone getting better grades than me and being better at painting than I was. That caused me to be angry and irrational all the time, I made life hell for my sister as I constantly hit and punch her, I also verbally abuse her, by purposely torturing her and making her cry was my hobby. I almost immediately regret it, but I felt like I had no control over what I did. It was like me shouting ' don't do it' to myself but the next thing I knew was my sister was on the floor bleeding. Soon I realise that whenever I'm angry I had to hurt someone, so I decided that it had to be me. I started slashing my self whenever I felt hurt or angry and it seemed to work, because I stopped being violent to my sister, But It didn't help my life as my grades began to drop, my social life is a mess and constantly insult everyone I knew. So I decided to stop and work on getting my life right.

      I went through self teraphy, I began thinking positive and It worked,my grades went up and I was very involved in extra-curricular activties. For 5 years, I became from a delinquent to a modal straight A student with many awards. I though I've completely changed. But now, school is over and I'm waiting for my results and I have 3 months to spare. for many years, I had not had a holiday, I've spent that time being involved in school activities, tuitions and even charity work, but now that I have nothing, I feel so lost and normal, and my old personality started to come back. I'm turning violent again and that day, i took a knife to slash myself, luckily I managed to stop myself from doing it, but I feel lost, depressed and out of control again. It;s hard to admit but I hate feeling so normal.:(:nono:
    • Re: Self harm-help me

      Hey there, first off, take a look at this thread. It might help you when you feel like cutting. It's great that you stopped yourself, but here are some things to help you next time if you feel you can't on your own.…ternatives-self-harm.html

      I made that list, originally for myself, so just letting you know I know what you're going through. I even filled out the survey in your thread

      It's great that you went through self therapy, and that what you did worked for so long. You have no idea how impressive that is for you to do all on your own without help.
      Now that you have no distractions, I think what you might find helpful is actual therapy, and going to see a counselor. I believe that since you say this all started after your father died and mother started working late, that's where a lot of this anger and feelings come from. I think it's because you were unable to emotionally cope with what was happening in your life, and so you acted out on your sister, and then yourself.

      By going to a psychologist, they can help you work out these issues you have so that you can accept what happened with your father, and how to deal with the emotions you are still going through even now. You may have just pushed them aside while you made your life so busy and such. Now these emotions need to come out, or else they're going to continue to make you act and feel this way.

      In the mean time, are you going to college? Can you still do charity work, get a job? Things that you can use as a distraction?
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Self harm-help me

      you might wanna relax a bit, and remember that no matter what happens, everyone makes mistakes. :hugs: remember, you can overcome loads of stuff. and no matter what, never ever forget that your happiness means a lot. You can definitely make your violent side go away. throw away everything that is liable to hurt yourself....

      i dont wanna see or hear that you are not feeling good . you definitely deserve the best, and nothing but the best =)

      stay strong!