what do i say to him...?

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    • what do i say to him...?

      i have started texting this guy, inly like a week or so. i dont know him too well, he said he knows my through friends. fair enough, he is ok like. nice lad...but he keeps asking me to go and meet up with him. i dont really know this guy too well and to be honest dont really want to meet up with him. but i wana keep texting him to see how things go anyways, what can i say when he asks me to meet up...i dont wana hurt his feelings or anything, coz he would be a bit sensitive like that.:confused:

    • Re: what do i say to him...?

      yeah, my rule is, we have to speak on the phone a few times before we meet up in person, so thats what ive done with the last two girls that ive been on dates with, it makes you way more comfortable and it can be better.

      But for now just say your busy, but after a while he will grow impatient and move on, so if you actually want him, i suggest moving things along with you guys more quickly
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