help! need to lose weight

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    • help! need to lose weight

      Im 15 and i really need to lose weight, i would like to lose a bit by my 16th in 5 months
      Im about 162cm and weigh 59.8kgs and id like to get it down to 50- 55kgs
      help me please? whats the best way to lose weight and the fastest way?
      i walk for an hour everyday but thats all the exercise i do.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      well if you really want to lose weight then i would do sit ups in the morning and knight until you cant do them anymore and if it is your thighs then do leg lifts if you dont know what those are they are where u lay down keep one leg straigt at all times and slowy move it straight up and down until u cant do any more when doing these dont let your heel touch the ground and also diet is a must just read the labels and eat fruit
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Username123987 wrote:

      well if you really want to lose weight then i would do sit ups in the morning and knight until you cant do them anymore and if it is your thighs then do leg lifts if you dont know what those are they are where u lay down keep one leg straigt at all times and slowy move it straight up and down until u cant do any more when doing these dont let your heel touch the ground and also diet is a must just read the labels and eat fruit

      You can't spot reduce fat. Don't give advice on things you know nothing about.

      OP just eat less and move more. It's not rocket science.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      One simple practice that should help is to drink more water: make it a habit to drink at least two glasses shortly before each meal.

      Also, eat fewer carbohydrates: cut down on pasta, potatoes, bread and rice. Don't completely remove these from your diet - carbohydrates are necessary to keep your energy levels up, among other things - but where you can replace refined foods with the whole-grain varieties: white bread and white rice with brown bread and brown rice, and so on.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Wavenger ().

    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Wavenger wrote:

      One simple practice that should help is to drink more water: make it a habit to drink at least two glasses shortly before each meal.

      Also, eat fewer carbohydrates: cut down on pasta, potatoes, bread and rice. Don't completely remove these from your diet - carbohydrates are necessary to keep your energy levels up, among other things - but where you can replace refined foods with the whole-grain varieties: white bread and white rice with brown bread and brown rice, and so on.

      Wholegrains aren't necessarily better. Brown rice has substantially more antinutrients than white, and brown bread has a higher protein content, which in the case of wheat means more toxic gluten.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Frosty is full of bad advice. so you know.
      for every pound of fat, you must burn 3500 calories. (so, to loose a pound a week, you need to burn 3500 more calories than you ate. so reduce your calories by about 500 a day and add exercise!)
      eat proteins low in fat, especially low in trans fat.
      reduce grains, and only eat whole grains, the husk is what has the nutrients, and the dietary fiber, which is necessary for weight loss. (White rice, flour, and other refined foods like sugar are raw ingredients that have been bleached and stripped of nutrition. some white rice has been enriched, aka they spray nutrients on it after they remove the natural ones)
      snack on fruits and vegetables if you get hungry, do not deprive yourself, but do not indulge in things you know are bad for you either.
      work out for at least 30 minutes each day. try running a little during your walks, bike riding, vigorous dancing, change it up, just set aside time each day to do at least a half hour.
      good luck!
      If you don't cheat on your diet and you become more active you should have no problem!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by joynmisery ().

    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      joynmisery wrote:

      Frosty is full of bad advice. so you know.

      u mad?

      joynmisery wrote:

      eat proteins low in fat, especially low in trans fat.

      Fat doesn't make you fat, and it's typically both more satiating than higher carb foods, and more nutritious.

      joynmisery wrote:

      reduce grains, and only eat whole grains, the husk is what has the nutrients

      The nutrients are in trivial quantities and more than cancelled out by the antinutrient content of grains, which is higher in whole grains.

      joynmisery wrote:

      and the dietary fiber, which is necessary for weight loss.

      Fiber isn't "necessary for weight loss". You yourself said that weight loss is a function of cals in < cals out, which isn't necessarily helped by fiber. Yes fiber is satiating, but this means nothing when the source of them is as carb dense as grains. Veges are a much denser source of fiber anyway, and are more nutritious and far lower in cals to boot.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Er. Fiber may not be necessary- but it's pretty helpful.
      Considering it keeps you regular- and makes the burning of cals more efficient. or some shite like that.

      Zoey, unfortunately- this thread is already showing what sucks about trying to find advice about weight loss online. You will get a thousand opinions and 900 of them will be direct contradictions of others. You have to do what works for you. Nothing is black and white. For instance- the whole Cal-in,cal-out thing. If you decide 'Hey. I'm only going to eat like 300 calories a day- I'll lose tons of weight then!' you won't. Because you'll freak your body out. and probably pass out. Just sayin.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Why fiber is good for you.

      I said more efficient- not necessarily that it burns it. and I'll even concede that I didn't use concise language. I still stand by the fact that it's good for you- and has been said to aid weight loss. and instead of trying to explain it- there are four different links. That can say it way better than I ever could.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Ok hunny, my sister sees a nutriontist and i have her fill me in on everything so i know how to loose weight. First off walking is good for you but dont limit yourself to an hour. So what you should do is find and area with alot of hills in it that you can walk on and get a 2 lb weight. Carry one in each hand and walk and keep going till you are tired and need a break, give yourself a break to catch your breath and then start to walk home. Also if you eat alot try to not eat as much. I know most peole eat 3 big meals a day... In all honesty thats not the proper way to eat. Youa re supposed to eat 5 to 6 little meals a day. Also here is a major trick to eating less and feeling full. When you eat dont drink anything an half hour before and a half hour after. Drinking causes the food to get squished together so that there is more room in you for more food so you eat more. Also dont eat fast you wont notice you ate to much tilll its to late if you eat fast. Hope this helps :)
      pm me if u ever need to talk about something or just feel like talking to someone or whatever...
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      dannehgorawr wrote:

      Why fiber is good for you.

      I said more efficient- not necessarily that it burns it. and I'll even concede that I didn't use concise language. I still stand by the fact that it's good for you- and has been said to aid weight loss. and instead of trying to explain it- there are four different links. That can say it way better than I ever could.

      I never said it's bad for you. Just that it has no direct bearing on weight loss.

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      So what you should do is find and area with alot of hills in it that you can walk on and get a 2 lb weight. Carry one in each hand and walk and keep going till you are tired and need a break

      Using 2 lb weights to walk is useless. Do a proper weights routine or don't bother.

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      I know most peole eat 3 big meals a day... In all honesty thats not the proper way to eat. Youa re supposed to eat 5 to 6 little meals a day.

      Meal frequency doesn't really matter, and arguably a high frequency is bad. It constantly elevates your insulin throughout the day, and someone is more likely to make poor food choices if the benefits of meal frequency are overstated to them, as they will be frequently stuck without healthy options every 2 hours.

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      Also here is a major trick to eating less and feeling full. When you eat dont drink anything an half hour before and a half hour after. Drinking causes the food to get squished together so that there is more room in you for more food so you eat more.

      Haha what

      That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      i have attended nutrisionists and that is true the asophogas (i cant spell sorry) is part of the digestion process. And when doing somethinig with weights your supposed to start with light weights and when that is to light you go up to heavier weights. I live by this and it works i barely weight 100 lbs so why dont you back off. Also when you eat big meals it takes longer to digest and by the next meal you havent even digested anything so it causes weight gain
      pm me if u ever need to talk about something or just feel like talking to someone or whatever...
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Ok, now, I may not be into the whole calorie counting thing, but I do know that with my current routine, I lost 15 pounds. (It is starting to go up again, but that's now because of muscle.) I started with a minimum of 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups every day, adding more when I felt it getting easier (generally about 5 added a week, sometimes 10). Then I also started swimming regularly about 3-5 times a week. I have no drive to sit in a gym, so swimming was a great alternative. Generally the work outs for that were about 40 minutes a day.

      If you're interested in it, just pm me, because my routine is a little lengthy. Its was a great decision for me, and I then joined a swim team. Im definitely in the best shape of my life. It may not be the quickest, it took me 4 months to ditch the first 10-12 lbs, but it was more fun than a gym imo.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      i have attended nutrisionists and that is true the asophogas (i cant spell sorry) is part of the digestion process.


      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      And when doing somethinig with weights your supposed to start with light weights and when that is to light you go up to heavier weights.

      You're meant to start with relatively light weights in the context of a proper routine, not retardedly light weight in the context of "hur dur lets walk with dumbells".

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      Also when you eat big meals it takes longer to digest and by the next meal you havent even digested anything so it causes weight gain

      That has nothing to do with your post. You can't just make shit up when I refute something retarded and totally unrelated.

      emmett715 wrote:

      Ok, now, I may not be into the whole calorie counting thing, but I do know that with my current routine, I lost 15 pounds. (It is starting to go up again, but that's now because of muscle.) I started with a minimum of 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups every day, adding more when I felt it getting easier

      That's totally not an unbalanced routine with limited scope for meaningful progression.