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    • Hey everybody, me and this girl have been friends for 4 years now, and I think I'm in love with her, I've asked her out 2 times seperated by 3 years in between and still nothing...but I feel like she likes me and just doesn't want to admit it, or isn't willing to for some reason because she sends me these songs that make me feel like she's trying to say something...but all it does for me is make me feel worse to know that I can't have her. By the way, it's not just songs...I feel like she's always flirting with me too.

      I feel like, if she weren't here my life would be gone and nothing would ever feel right to me. Even right now, I feel like something's missing from my life and heartbroken.

      I just don't even know what to do :(
    • Re: Problem

      pdonket wrote:

      Hey everybody, me and this girl have been friends for 4 years now, and I think I'm in love with her, I've asked her out 2 times seperated by 3 years in between and still nothing...but I feel like she likes me and just doesn't want to admit it, or isn't willing to for some reason because she sends me these songs that make me feel like she's trying to say something...but all it does for me is make me feel worse to know that I can't have her. By the way, it's not just songs...I feel like she's always flirting with me too.

      I feel like, if she weren't here my life would be gone and nothing would ever feel right to me. Even right now, I feel like something's missing from my life and heartbroken.

      I just don't even know what to do :(

      I know the feeling, man.
      The only thing you can do is pray and hope.
      Maybe she has feelings for someone else.
      This same thing is happening to me, but not exactly all the same.
      I hear songs, and we joke/flirt, but you can't look hard into that because if you are close friends, that is what you do.
    • Re: Problem

      Angelwings411 wrote:

      I know the feeling, man.
      The only thing you can do is pray and hope.
      Maybe she has feelings for someone else.
      This same thing is happening to me, but not exactly all the same.
      I hear songs, and we joke/flirt, but you can't look hard into that because if you are close friends, that is what you do.

      I'm sorry you have to feel this way's probably the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life.

      It's just so hard, when you feel like the are within grasping distance and when you go to feel them there, it's like your hand passes through them, like it never existed and then it continues if it doesn't all fall apart....

      I just wish I could get over her, no matter how hard I try I find myself listening to the songs she sends, and looking at her pictures, and staring at her when I'm around her. :confused:
    • Re: Problem

      pdonket wrote:

      I'm sorry you have to feel this way's probably the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life.

      It's just so hard, when you feel like the are within grasping distance and when you go to feel them there, it's like your hand passes through them, like it never existed and then it continues if it doesn't all fall apart....

      I just wish I could get over her, no matter how hard I try I find myself listening to the songs she sends, and looking at her pictures, and staring at her when I'm around her. :confused:

      I know.
      I am sad you have to feel this way too.

      I really don't know what to say, except you have to try and get over her, as hard as that may be. Or confront her and tell her how you feel.
    • Re: Problem

      I've tried to confront her, but she just doesn't feel that way, and just shy's away....but it's so irritating because she of course continually flirts with me about EVERYTHING. I mean, she's so open with me now, that she will even elaborate on how many orgasms she had the night before, or w/e.

      So, I guess I'm just going to have to try to live with it...only 2 more years of seeing her and wanting her :-\
      you are the strength-that keeps me walking-you are the hope-that keeps me trusting-you are the life-to my soul-you are my're everything
    • Re: Problem

      So, I guess I'm just going to have to try to live with it...only 2 more years of seeing her and wanting her :-\

      That does suck. At least you have a good friend ^_^. Through experience I have found most situations to be avoidable by avoiding women in any capacity. Don't trust the beast and move on. xD That might be a bit cynical though.
      Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.