i wanna go out with him but... :(

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    • i wanna go out with him but... :(

      what should I do? 2
        go out with Eddie and not tell anyone (0) 0%
        go out with Eddie and only tell Liz (0) 0%
        go out with Eddie and let people know (0) 0%
        just be friends with Eddie (2) 100%
        do nothing (0) 0%
        other (0) 0%
      ok so my friend liz and I are fourteen. Eddie is eighteen months older than me and seventeen months older than Liz. so Liz and Eddie were kinda dating for a few weeks and her parents didn't know. but they found out from eddie's sister ber, who is the same age as Liz and I. so Liz got her phone iPod and all computer access taken away. her parents also blocked ber's and eddie's phone numbers so they either borrow my phone or have me tell eachother stuff. but Liz thinks they should be done and Eddie thinks they should take a break and maybe get back together later. Eddie says he still loves her and wants to go out with her but Liz doesn't believe him because ber tells her lies about him.
      so the day before yesterday I spent the night at ber and eddie's house because we needed to rehearse for a band competition. another girl named Kenna came over for awhile and while I was on eddie's bed watching a movie with him she decided to tell ber that we were makng out, which we weren't. so then ber texts Liz that we were making out and she freaks out and gets really upset. but we figured everything out and she was ok after awhile. so then Eddie and I finished watching the movie and I went out and went to bed in the bonus room with ber. eddie asked if he could come hangout with me and I said sure because ber was asleep. so he comes out and I was laying on the couch and he sits down on the floor next to the couch. he puts his arm around me which I was ok with cuz he had kinda started doing that and tickling me during the movie. then he asked if I would scoot over and share the couch with him which I told him no to. I gave him the couch and I sat on the floor. after a bit he decided to lay down on the floor next to me. he kept getting closer and closer and putting his arms around me until his face was to the back of my neck and my back was against his stomich. he said that Liz and I both smelled really good and had soft hair. I let him put his arm around me but I wouldn't hold his hand or put my arm around him because even though it felt nice to be laying there with him I wasn't sure if Liz would be upset or not about it and I value her way more than any guy. but then ber, who was laying on the floor next me cuz I was between her and Eddie, woke up and saw Eddie and I laying really close together with his arm around me and thinking that we were asleep, cussed a couple times before going back to sleep. after Eddie actually fell asleep I got back up on the couch and fell asleep. I woke up early with a blanket that hadn't been on me earlier and waited for Eddie to wake up. when he did he put his arm across my stomich and rubbed my arm. then we got up and started getting ready for our competition. we couldn't sit by eachother in the car so we texted eachother during the drive. he drove to my soccer game with ber and my mom and I (ber Liz and I are on the same team) and he's convinced that my mom thinks he's awesome which is good. but he wanted me to spend the night again last night but I couldn't so he was sad. but we talked on the phone for an hour and a half and he told me that if him and Liz don't work out, I'm his next choice. I'm perfectly fine with being his second choice but I'm not sure if my parents would approve of it because he's in high school and I won't be till September. and if they found out I probably wouldn't be allowed to go to his house anymore. I do wanna go out with him but I've never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone before. what I did with Eddie was the farthest I've ever gone before. and he's kissed Liz so that kinda weirds me out. I don't know what to do cuz I don't want Liz to get mad at Eddie and ber is gonna get mad no matter what we do. so I was just wondering what you guys think I should do. thanks :)
    • Re: i wanna go out with him but... :(

      wow that was really confusing but my engineering mind managed to get around it haha

      um well I think it would be best to find another guy because Liz probably wouldnt be that happy about it and I can just see it causing a huge problem, I think it would be best if you guys just stayed friends for now
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