i'm bi. yay?

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    • i'm bi. yay?

      hi, i've known forever that i was bi, and finally accepted it. i hooked up with my best friend a few years ago and she proceeded to ruin my life. nobody i know is gay or bi and i don't know how to meet other people, so i'm kind of stuck at a standstill. i don't know what to do. i started talking to this girl who lives somewhere else and i'm kind of falling in love with her and she's bi too and it seems like she likes me but i'm so afraid to try anything if we hang out because in case she isn't? i'd still want to be friends cause she's so cool. anyway i'm 17 and i don't know how to tell people, and i've also been really depressed lately, probably mostly from this but other stuff as well. i could really use someone to talk to. please? thanks.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by notmyfault93 ().

    • Re: i'm bi. yay?

      Seeing as your bi-sexual, you don't have to hook up with some bisexual. But if you're referring to another bi-sexual person to talk to, that's a toughy.

      However, instead of thinking too hard about those things, I'd suggest just going along with the flow. Eventually you're bound to find someone.
    • Re: i'm bi. yay?

      I must agree, you should probably not focus wholeheartedly on hooking up with someone. I tried doing that recently, and it does not work, especially if gay or bisexual people are in short supply. If you just want a bisexual person to talk to, I'm sure there are several people on here that would be willing to talk with you about any problems you may be facing. When it comes to your budding friendship, I think you should try to go with it, but play it a bit slow in case, like you said, she is not bisexual.