School &Friends..

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    • School &Friends..

      I have a bit of a situation here.

      I really hate going to school.. and probably a lot of people feel the same way. I just feel so lonely.. no one talks to me at the bus stop, or on the bus, or outside our form room, or in our form room.. and hardly anyone talks to me during lessons. I only have a couple of "real" friends, i've just realised, and I only see them at lunch because they're hardly in any of my classes.

      For most of primary school and one year of secondary school i had a best friend.. she was great, and we had lots of laughs and really got on. But one day, we just started arguing. And then we stopped talking to eachother.

      It was a lot for me to deal with, and over a year later tbh i haven't really got over it yet. I felt really bad because i felt like i'd put our other friends in a really uncomfortable position.. i didn't want them to choose between us. But, they did, and i felt bad for ages.

      My old friends started sending me nasty messages on MSN, so i told my mum who told my form tutor, and they got in big trouble for it. After that, a couple of friends apologised to me, and we made up, but the original friend i fell out with still gave me the silent treatment.

      Now, one of my other friends has started to annoy me.. and i can just see this happening all over again, the friends in an uncomfortable position thing... Yesterday, they ignored me all day, and for no good reason.

      I'm so lonely and upset, i've asked my mum to let me change schools.

      Sorry i wrote so much ^^. hope you can help me out ~ :(
    • Re: School &Friends..

      nothing can be resolved by sitting still.
      if you wanted changes, approach them.
      ask whats wrong and be open-minded.
      if almost all of your friends acts that way.
      sorry for being mean, but check yourself.
      maybe the problem is in you..
      be open-minded and cheer up.
      they are not just the only people in the world.