I need help does it sound like he likes me?

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    • I need help does it sound like he likes me?

      I'm friends with this guy, and every one says that they think he likes me.

      I like him but not even a single soul knows this
      Does this evidence seem like he likes me too?
      This happened at a our swim meet last night:

      -I unfortunately swam bad, which upset me. I wasn't crying or anything ridiculous like that, just really quiet and refusing to high five any one or talk about it. So he came over and sat down next to me. He rubbed my back, and fixed my bathing suit straps (which is really relaxing for swimmers don't ask i know swimmers are weird) he just kept comforting me and letting me lean on his nice warm shoulder.

      -another time (same meet) he kept playing with my hair. Like pushing it behind my ears, and pulling on my pony tail.

      - then at the end of the meet, he took my hand while I was talking to my coaches (IN FRONT OF OUR COACHES!:o thats practically like doing it in front of parents!) any hoo he took my hand and kept shaking it like he wanted me to shake it back. But I was busy talking so I kinda ignored him, but when I was done talking to them: I looked at him straight in the eyes and shook his hand back. He then put his other hand on our hands and squeezed my hand ( never once did he look away) then he kinda pulled me in and patted my shoulder while whispering goodnight in my ear.
      I totally shied out (got really shy) so dumbly i said good luck on your last race and walked away.

      Also he always likes and comments on all of my status's on facebook

      Does it sound like he likes me?
      I mean I think it does but he has a girlfriend. But it was clearly flirting.
    • Re: I need help does it sound like he likes me?

      hannahep12 wrote:

      he took my hand while I was talking to my coaches (IN FRONT OF OUR COACHES!:o thats practically like doing it in front of parents!)

      ahaha thats great..

      anyways, if this guy is flirty with everyone then thats nothing to go on, but if this special attention is solely reserved for you, then yes, he is interested in you.
      But if thats how this guy acts towards other girls while he is in a relationship, then he is Not worth your time. Because even if he broke it off with his present girlfriend to be with you (which Rarely happens but is almost always promised!), then it is only a matter of time before he does the exact same thing to you.
    • Re: I need help does it sound like he likes me?

      well he doesn't flirt with any other girls, just me I've noticed
      I've also noticed that his relationship with his girlfriend is the kind of relationship you have in 3rd grade (so really nothing happens)
      Thanks for your advice it gave me lots to think about