Pinned Teen Hut Advertising Forum Guidelines

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  • Teen Hut Advertising Forum Guidelines

    Teen Hut Advertising Forum Guidelines
    Version 1.0.1 | Last Update: June 06, 2011

    This forum is designed for members of our community to advertise their websites. As a result, Teen Hut does not allow advertisements in any other area, including, but not limited to: other forum categories, private messages, and visitor messages. Advertisements not posted in this forum, or advertisements not following the advertising guidelines risk URL censorship and/or deletion of one or all the advertisements posted by that user, depending of the severity of the violation.


    When posting in this forum, the following rules, in addition to the Teen Hut Forum Rules and Guidelines, must be followed:

    For everyone:

    1. Advertisement of illegal, adult, harmful (as deemed by an administrator) or phishing content is not allowed.
      • IMPORTANT: Forums in which registration/login is required to view the advertised content will be assumed to have inappropriate content and will therefore not be allowed, unless approval is given from a staff member.

    2. Blatant advertisements of competing teen forums will not be allowed.
    3. Advertisements for the purchase of a product via email or an unknown/untrustworthy website will be not allowed.
    4. Users must not advertise another website in someone else's thread (this will be considered as hijacking a thread).
    5. Users may ask questions or provide comments on a site. Negative feedback must be in the form of constructive criticism.
    6. The same advertisement must not be posted in more than one thread.
      • Posting a website that mirrors a previously advertised website is still considered the same advertisement.
      • Creating a new website for the sole purpose of linking to a previously advertised website is still considered the same website.

    7. Posting just a link will not be allowed. The thread must contain a description of the advertised link.
    8. Using URL redirection services to your website is allowed.
      • Example: TinyURL


    If the user has less than or exactly 50 posts:

    1. Only one (1) advertisement is allowed per account, user, or IP address.
    2. Bumping will be allowed every 72 hours up to three consecutive times.
      • Warning: Forming an alliance for the sole purpose of bumping an advertisement/bypassing the bumping limit will not be tolerated. If a thread is not posted in after three consecutive bumps, it can be assumed that the advertisement does not interest teens and should not be bumped more.

    3. Advertising more than one (1) website will be allowed only if a publicly visible link back to our site ( is on the advertised site.
      • A limit of four advertisements may be posted this way.

    If the user has more than 50 posts:

    1. Up to ten (10) advertisements are allowed per account, user, or IP address.
    2. Bumping will be allowed every 48 hours up to four consecutive times.
      • Warning: Forming an alliance for the sole purpose of bumping an advertisement/bypassing the bumping limit will not be tolerated.

    3. Advertising more than ten (10) website will be allowed only if a publicly visible link back to our site ( is on the advertised site.


    • Exceptions to these rules may be issued by any moderation or administration team member upon request with a valid reason. To request for an expection, please private message any team member.
    • Posting a link to a well-known business or its product in response to a genuine question or statement is not considered advertising under most circumstances. Examples include linking to the Mozilla Firefox download page or linking to a Wikipedia page.
    • Staff members reserve the right to modify these rules (this page) without any notice.
    • Recommended contact person for exception requests or further explanation of these guidelines:

    Revision History

    • June 06, 2011 - Increased maximum bumping limit by one

    The post was edited 14 times, last by Kevin ().