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    • As title implies, yes that happened not to long ago. But not by someone you'd think it was.

      I guess she was too loud, which doesn't bother me any but I'm wondering as to, what the shit do I do? We got busted by her father.

      But lemme explain in full detail rather than sounding like this sleeze ball grinding this man's little girl.

      Firstly, we've been dating for 2 years now, so, it was going to happen correct? Mind you, we didn't actually do it until like a year and a half into it, so we waited when we were ready.
      Secondly, we always, ALWAYS, use protection. So we're responsible, in that sense.
      Thirdly, my girlfriend has sisters, so perhaps this has happened before?

      Anyways got busted, felt embarassed, and there was no freak out, just walked away. Which doesn't say, "You're off the hook," more rather it bothers me that I didn't get my ass kicked. I mean in those moments of worrying, "What the hell do I do?" while my girlfriend is freaking out, because I'm pretty sure ALL was visible, I couldn't help myself but to put myself in his shoes.

      Here's this man, who finds his child and his child's boyfriend making love, in another part of the house. If I saw that I'd make sure he'd never be able to use his thing ever again!

      But then I think to myself, "Hey we've dated for a long time," considering most relationships don't last long, AND that this is my very first long term relationship, while I only dated once before and that lasted.. what a summer? Nothing happened so the lady I'm with took my V card, and she's the one I want in my life forever. Anyways, the way I look at it, is it better that we've waited so long, made the decision together, and did it out of love? Rather than, short term, get it on and say "Hey, this has been a blast?" Does the length of a relationship even calculate to this kind of embarassment for both parties? (Parental, and the deed do'ers?)

      Seriously, I'd like to have a talk with him, but at the same time I don't want to bring up something he doesn't want to talk about...
      Any advice, REAL advice, not something like "Herp Derp, peace out of there yo'," because frankly, I love her, so that's definately not an option.
    • talk to ur gf first see if theyve said anything to her.... if they havent there probaly out of mind out of sight... they know now that u guys have sex so yea no big deal if u guys keep having sex... i mean really they should understand maybe her parents are chill like that... idk talk to ur gf first then go from there
    • The dad was probs just as embarrassed as u guys were. if ur really worried about it as hunter said ask ur gf what happened after when u werent there that may give you a hint about which way you should go. If you love her then find out what she would like if you talked to her dad. her dad may just be so embarrassed he wont ever be able to talk about it. just my thoughts
    • I agree with Thor. You should probably ask what happened after you were there. He may not have gotten mad when you were there; he didn't want to make a scene. However, if neither her father, mother, or her say anything about it again, I would most likely just move on, especially if you go to their house again, and they don't act different or say anything to you.