Statuary Rape?

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  • Statuary Rape?

    I've done loads of underage stuff before (smoking, drinking, stripping, porn starring) but I've also slept with men over eighteen, including three teachers, and I gave my consent to it but they all knew I was under sixteen. I've recently heard that the whole thing could have been called statuary rape or something.
    Is that true? I don't want anyone to go to like prison or anything!
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    You're only 14... when did you have time to do all that?
    All of the things you've done are illegal, and all the adults involved can( and should) go to jail. I'm not entirely sure how you've been able to go this long without realize that.
    I understand if you say you did this all of your own free will, and if you feel you're mature enough to make your own decisions. However, sex, even casual sex, has innate physical and psychological implications. :/ You're 14, maybe you didn't know any better, maybe with the way you perceive it, you'll come out fine, but those adults should have known better. They put you at a lot of risk.
    Loistre Danz....[/CENTER]

  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    Cookie wrote:

    You're only 14... when did you have time to do all that?
    All of the things you've done are illegal, and all the adults involved can( and should) go to jail. I'm not entirely sure how you've been able to go this long without realize that.
    I understand if you say you did this all of your own free will, and if you feel you're mature enough to make your own decisions. However, sex, even casual sex, has innate physical and psychological implications. :/ You're 14, maybe you didn't know any better, maybe with the way you perceive it, you'll come out fine, but those adults should have known better. They put you at a lot of risk.

    I do stuff like that a lot... I thought it would be fine if I was okay with it. I don't see how I was at risk, I mean they didn't have like an STD or anything. THEY didn't get me pregnant.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    I do stuff like that a lot... I thought it would be fine if I was okay with it. I don't see how I was at risk, I mean they didn't have like an STD or anything. THEY didn't get me pregnant.

    Yeah I gathered that it wasn't against your will or anything, but that doesn't matter to the law., but like Linda said... if no one reports it...

    How do you know they didn't, cause they told you so?
    I just meant that they could have had an STI or gotten you pregnant.
    They didn't so that's good I guess.
    Have you ever considered just holding off on the sex till you're a little older?
    Loistre Danz....[/CENTER]

  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    Cookie wrote:

    Yeah I gathered that it wasn't against your will or anything, but that doesn't matter to the law., but like Linda said... if no one reports it...

    How do you know they didn't, cause they told you so?
    I just meant that they could have had an STI or gotten you pregnant.
    They didn't so that's good I guess.
    Have you ever considered just holding off on the sex till you're a little older?

    Well I'm pregnant now so I can't really have sex anyway for the time being.

    I lost my virginity at ten and since I was like nine or ten sex just became a massive part of my life, so did, parties, alcohol, drugs, smoking, breaking the law and general status. I mean I had to be sexy for money, I was a stripper and I was in porn, so if I wasn't sexy I couldn't afford food basically.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    Well I'm pregnant now so I can't really have sex anyway for the time being.

    I lost my virginity at ten and since I was like nine or ten sex just became a massive part of my life, so did, parties, alcohol, drugs, smoking, breaking the law and general status. I mean I had to be sexy for money, I was a stripper and I was in porn, so if I wasn't sexy I couldn't afford food basically.

    Did you really think that your sex appeal was all you were worth?
    What about your parents? if you don't mind my asking. They're legally responsible for you for at least another 4 years.

    I'm glad you decided to stop the fast track lifestyle while you're pregnant, that's very responsible.

    But the baby is gonna need a full time, healthy mom from now on, are you keeping it, or putting it up for adoption?
    Loistre Danz....[/CENTER]

  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    Cookie wrote:

    Did you really think that your sex appeal was all you were worth?
    What about your parents? if you don't mind my asking. They're legally responsible for you for at least another 4 years.

    I'm glad you decided to stop the fast track lifestyle while you're pregnant, that's very responsible.

    But the baby is gonna need a full time, healthy mom from now on, are you keeping it, or putting it up for adoption?

    Well, my mum is an alcoholic druggy bitch. She never wanted me and she spent less then a day a week with me and when she was with me she was always drunk or stoned or something. I don't know who my dad is. I had to do the stripping and porn stuff because she didn't buy me food or school stuff and I had to pay rent most of the time. I've moved in with my boyfriend Jack and his mum now though.

    I think I'm going to keep my baby, the baby's father hates the idea of adoption.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    No, you can't go to jail for being raped. The teachers who had sex with you ought to, as should all the other men who've been connected with these things you've done as a mere 14 year old. I hope this pregnancy of yours marks the end of these kinds of things.

  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    Esmo wrote:

    No, you can't go to jail for being raped. The teachers who had sex with you ought to, as should all the other men who've been connected with these things you've done as a mere 14 year old. I hope this pregnancy of yours marks the end of these kinds of things.

    I'm not a MERE fourteen year old.

    I know I can't go to prison but I don't want them to, they haven't done ANYTHING WRONG.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    If no one reports them, they won't be in trouble... they SHOULD get in trouble though, they are obviously not responsible enough to be a in school surrounded by under age girls.

    There was a case in the middle east where a 14 year old was raped by an older man, she got the death sentence(101 whip lashes) for adultery as she was due to marry another man.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    Dexter. wrote:

    If no one reports them, they won't be in trouble... they SHOULD get in trouble though, they are obviously not responsible enough to be a in school surrounded by under age girls.

    There was a case in the middle east where a 14 year old was raped by an older man, she got the death sentence(101 whip lashes) for adultery as she was due to marry another man.

    I don't think they SHOULD get in trouble, it wasn't like I didn't want to have sex with them. And anyway, they only slept with ME not any other girls. By the way, I wouldn't have a death sentence for being raped.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    I don't think they SHOULD get in trouble, it wasn't like I didn't want to have sex with them. And anyway, they only slept with ME not any other girls. By the way, I wouldn't have a death sentence for being raped.

    I see your point, but a responsible adult would never have sex with an under age girl, even if she's willing, even if it doesn't seem wrong morally, there is this little thing called the law.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    The fact of the matter is, grown men should not find 14 year olds attractive. It's creepy enough that my 17 year old mate was going out with a 14 year old.

    You're pregnant now. Imagine if you had a daughter, and when she was 14 you found out she was having sex with fully grown men. Would you feel they were taking advantage of her, or let her get on with it, regardless of what physical, mental and emotional harm it could be doing her?
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    Some of the men I slept with didn't know that I was underage because I look older, that's why I could be a stripper and porn star. And they were responsible adults and sleeping with me didn't change that.

    And FYI the law is sometimes really stupid.

    Were they married? If they're teachers, how did they not know how old you were?
    Many of the people here are old enough to be considered adults (age 18 or older), so to us, yes, you are a "mere 14 year old". I know when I was your age I didn't even want to kiss boys, let alone have sex with them. Now I'm 19 and I would never consider doing anything sexual with a 14 year old boy.

    That law is in place to prevent people from being taken advantage of by those who are older than them - even if you were consenting, it's not a stupid law.

    You can't go to jail for being raped, but stripping and starring in porn when you're underage is illegal.
  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    Some of the men I slept with didn't know that I was underage because I look older, that's why I could be a stripper and porn star. And they were responsible adults and sleeping with me didn't change that.

    And FYI the law is sometimes really stupid.

    dura lex sed lex. The law is harsh but it is the law, in this case the law is put in place to protect underage individuals from exploitation. Young children are easily coerced, their horomones are raging but the part of their brain in charge of reasoning and evaluating consequences isn't fully developed yet. Your teacher at least should have known better.

    Most girls your age aren't as mature* as you are. You may think it's nothing, but it actually reveals something about you, nothing bad, just human. Most kids wouldn't be able to handle this psychologically, i'm not convinced you're an exception.

    How old did you look at ten though? o.o I still can't get into rated R without an I.D. >>
    I really wish you the best though. <3
    Loistre Danz....[/CENTER]

  • Re: Statuary Rape?

    I'm getting this vibe that you're just here to brag about all the fucked up shit you've done.

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    I'm not a MERE fourteen year old.

    Actually, yes you are just a mere 14 year old. 14 year olds having sex, getting pregnant, and doing CP (!!!!) is fucked up, and don't even try to argue about that. Having sex "willingly" at 10 years old is disgusting, and whoever you had sex with was a statutory question about it.

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    I know I can't go to prison but I don't want them to, they haven't done ANYTHING WRONG.

    Having sex with a 10/11/12 year old is wrong, so stop with that shit. There's absolutely no time or place when having sex at that age or with someone that age is okay or healthy, because it's not.

    Like I said already, you don't seem to be sincerely concerned about anything except flaunting your sex life to shock people. "Hurr durr the laws r st00pid." You should seriously seek help and get your tubes tied while you're at it.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by xyz123456 ().