what should i do??

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    • what should i do??

      So I've been having a really rough time with my family lately and my boyfriend has been acting really strange.
      Today I finally got him to talk to me about it. He said I'm a different person and he isn't happy with who I am anymore.
      He said he was thinking about breaking up.
      Inside I was going nuts. I love him, and this hurt a lot. I was trying to be strong and talk to him about it. I asked him if it's really what he wanted. He was indecisive and he said no then yes then no.
      He was freaking me out. He was saying he isn't in love with me anymore, and he was saying he isn't attracted to me anymore. He said he didn't want to be with me and that he was done.
      We have been together ten months and this is my first relationship. I truly love and care about him. I don't know how to handle this or what to do. I think about how I would be without him and it makes me incredibly sad.
      I cried.
      I got desperate, I begged and pleaded and I told him I would be a better girlfriend and make him happy. He said ok, then he said he loved me, then he said he felt better.
      Twenty minutes or so later he freaked again saying he was just going along with me and he wanted to end. Then he changed his mind again.
      Then he left for a while.
      An hour or so later when we talked again I asked him if he meant what he said about not being in love or being attracted to me, etc. He told me he didn't mean it and he didn't know what he was saying.
      My boyfriend doesn't do this much. He is usually calm and never lets things get to him. Sometimes he can get upset, but rarely.
      I don't know if he was acting like this because he hadn't slept the night before, or if he meant it. Right now he is saying everything is OK and that he doesn't want to break up. He said I was beautiful and that he does love me.
      I still am hurt as fuck that he would say any of that to begin with. I don't want to lose him because I'd be heartbroken but....any advice on what I should do?

      And when I told him how hurt I was he mumbled sorry but it honestly didn't feel like it was genuine.
      I feel alone, but I love him.
    • Re: what should i do??

      Just keep in mind, your relationship with each other is not all about what pleases him. Make sure that you have your needs met too and that you are happy as well. It is good to keep things balanced both ways.

      If your bf does not usually act this way, do you know why he is acting this way? Did something trigger him or has he just decided to quit?
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.