I am 14, dating a guy and I really care about him

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    • I am 14, dating a guy and I really care about him

      I'm 14 & have been dating a boy for 4 months. Please don't tell me I'm too young to be dating. I really need advice. I care for him a lot & I know I still have some feelings for him. He makes me really happy & when we hang out, I always get butterflies. But lately, things have been slowly going downhill. I get embarrassed by him a lot around friends. I know, it makes me sound like a bitch, but he has ADHD, and sometimes it's really hard for me not to care what others think. Although, I've been learning not to care as much, and it's gotten better. But, there's a height difference and sometimes people mistake us as siblings, yea, awk. I know it would be easier if we were friends. No more embarrassment. But also, when we hang out, besides kissing or holding hands, we act just like friends. Although a break up would be hard, I know that in time I would be able to get over it. But, I am moving in two months and we will be breaking up then. I know I am still happy with him, although the slight faults of our relationship. I could have two months of happiness, then we would break up mutually, knowing it was for the best and preserve our friendship that I care deeply about. Or, I could break up with him now, feeling regret, and pain, and probably ending our friendship. I know it sounds bitchy, "Put up with him for two more months, the easy way out." But, to me it sounds like the better option. I want the opinion of someone out of the situation though. Thank you for your replies, it means a lot, and sorry my post was so long. :) Thank you!