So there's this younger girl...

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    • So there's this younger girl...

      Hey everyone... This is my first post on this forum.. I came here simply because I don't want to talk about this with anyone I know in real life.. So its not like coming online to talk about relationships and stuff is a necessity for me.. Im just choosing to do so..

      So I am 18, currently in my twelfth grade of high-school, with the intention of returning for another year to take extra courses... I think that I'm a relatively handome guy.. Ive got a few extra pounds which I am trying to shake off with diet and excercise. So yeah. Just read this under the assumption that I'm not a complete loser. Anyways..

      I noticed this girl one day last semester... She has beautiful blonde curly hair and a friendly face... I noticed that we had a mutual friend, so I asked this friend about this girl and apparently she is in grade 10... So Im wondering.. Is that too much of an age gap? I turned 18 just this year and she'll be turning 16 this year.. Its not like she looks really young or anything.. But man, she is beautiful. I'm pretty sure she's noticed me glancing at her in the hallways, but I've never said a word to her.. Apparently though, this mutual friend had been talking to her about me (and apparently saying nothing but good things)

      So.. I feel like a hypocrite. Because when I was this girl's age, I thought it was kinda creepy when senior guys dated girls in grade 10.. But now I'm crushing on this girl! Oh, the drama... Ive had gfs before.. But Im still virgin. But its not like I would pressure her into sex or anything like that either... Im really a sweet guy! Take my word for it...

      Anyways.. The hypocrisy-driven guilt is part of the reason why I havent talked to her yet.. But also... I feel like I wont be good enough for her. Im not the most active person ever (and I am trying to mend that!), but I do have good qualities as well.. Still, I feel like she just wouldnt like me! I dunno, maybe Im just being neurotic.... I used to be skinny.. In those days, I would certainly have had the confidence to strike up a conversation, but... Highschool came, and I kinda let myself go... Im bounding back, though...

      But yeah. This girl is beautiful.. And not in a gross, fake kinda way either.. She's very.. naturally beautiful. You know what I mean? Sweet-looking.. Very... Down-to-earth kind of look about her... But lately I've been thinking about her and about how I havent talked to her... I keep thinking about it more and more.. Prom's coming up soon... Yet, I stall myself.

      Two nights ago I had this dream that the girl was dating this really skiddish guy from school... And that she had changed.. her hair had become black, and greasy-looking; her eyes caked with dark, "emo" make-up.. I know this sounds nuts, but I often have strange dreams.. and this one actually freaked me out! Like I was really upset by it.. It really bothered me! And last night I swear I had a dream about her again.. Although I dont remember the content of the dream itself..

      So yeah. There you have it. I dont expect that alot of you will have much to say about this subject,, I mainly wanted to rant about it without people telling me I'm insane! I just... don't know what to do.. You know?
      Sorry about the long post.
    • Re: So there's this younger girl...

      Sophomore/Senior couples are actually pretty common. I think you should talk to her. You're obviously pretty smitten! And ignore what anyone says about her being too young or anything. You'll almost always get that dating someone who's younger or older. But by the time you're in high school, and once you graduate, age becomes less of an issue.

      Also, this is a bit off the subject, but good for you on working towards managing your weight! It takes a lot of work, but it'll pay off. :p
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."