wish i could tell my parents :(

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    • wish i could tell my parents :(

      Right im a bi male and i can accept that now and i have told a few select friends and they have been fine about it but i really want to tell my parents and i think they will be ok with it but i like am majorly nervous about it :( i also hev no idea how to tell them :(
      Please any advice would really help thanks
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    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      Ahaha I would love to give you advice... But I'm in exactly the same predicament.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      hey im a lesbian if u think they will b ok with i just say u need them to sit dwn as u need to tlk to them just say " iv bin thinking alot latly how to tell u this..... and im really nervous but im atracted/intrested in both male and female" something like tht if there ur parents they shud accept u 4 who u are

      gd luck :)
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      Well, it really just boils down to you just saying "I'm bisexual." You should just tell them when you think you are ready. I've heard some people like to write a letter instead of saying it aloud. I guess it's just easier because, when you put pen to paper, you are emotionally distant. You're able to say exactly what you think and then revise, without the consequence of saying something you will later regret. So I think if you do want to come out, why not prepare it before on a piece of paper or type it out and think about what you want to say? Or take the letter route.
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      The reason why I was, and so many other people are scared of coming out, is that people's opinions of you will change. And they won't, your still the same person as before, nothings hanged you've just accepted it. Just bursting out with it and saying it can be ridiculously hard, try sending a text, email, write a letter or note.

      The amount of "drama" that can stir usually depends on your parents, some parents will be fine with it and everything will be just as it was in an hour at the most, in some more conservative families it might cause tears and hysterics for one or two days. It would help if you told us more about your family and parents.

      Of course, you could come out in the most awesome ways ever,
      1) Walk into a room wearing a feather boa and scream that your just too fabulous for only pussy and must share your glamour with both sexes.
      2) Just casually walk in, sit down, and start reading a gay porn mag.
      3) "Mother would you pass the salt... TO A BISEXUAL!"
      4) Buy a male slave on a leash Jabba the Hutt style.
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      cazoofoo wrote:

      Of course, you could come out in the most awesome ways ever,
      1) Walk into a room wearing a feather boa and scream that your just too fabulous for only pussy and must share your glamour with both sexes.
      2) Just casually walk in, sit down, and start reading a gay porn mag.
      3) "Mother would you pass the salt... TO A BISEXUAL!"
      4) Buy a male slave on a leash Jabba the Hutt style.

      You should write gay novels. I'd buy them and watch all the films based on them (provided, of course, they don't get banned or the Westboro Baptist Church burns down the movie theatre).
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      hey, im a bi girl and I told my mum about it and she was okay with it, because she was comfortable with my girlfriend. I thought it would be harder because I was in a relationship but it wasnt. Only thing is, she broke up with me the other day :( my mum was so comforting though!
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      cazoofoo wrote:

      The reason why I was, and so many other people are scared of coming out, is that people's opinions of you will change. And they won't, your still the same person as before, nothings hanged you've just accepted it. Just bursting out with it and saying it can be ridiculously hard, try sending a text, email, write a letter or note.

      The amount of "drama" that can stir usually depends on your parents, some parents will be fine with it and everything will be just as it was in an hour at the most, in some more conservative families it might cause tears and hysterics for one or two days. It would help if you told us more about your family and parents.

      Of course, you could come out in the most awesome ways ever,
      1) Walk into a room wearing a feather boa and scream that your just too fabulous for only pussy and must share your glamour with both sexes.
      2) Just casually walk in, sit down, and start reading a gay porn mag.
      3) "Mother would you pass the salt... TO A BISEXUAL!"
      4) Buy a male slave on a leash Jabba the Hutt style.

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    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      I don't understand why some people feel that they MUST come out, especially when they're young. You're only 16, and the risk of it backfiring is too great. You may think your parents will react positively, but what if they don't? Or what if they are initially accepting but then suddenly "find Jesus" one day and start treating you like shit? Like I said, there's no reason why you should come out right now, at this stage in your life. At least wait until you're out on your own, and self-sufficient.

      Too often I see younger teenagers "coming out" just to seek attention. I personally don't think it's anyone's business except close friends who I can trust.
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      I wasn't sure what to post in here, but after reading what David had to say, I must say I agree with him. I view homosexuality in a different way than my religion, or my parents would have me view it. Although I am straight, I can clearly imagine what would happen if I had to tell my mother I was gay. Parents sometimes think they can "fix" you, when in all honesty you are not broken. I would say that once you're an adult, free to do as he pleases, your parents will be much more likely to react in a much more positive way.

      With all that said, it's still your choice, so do as you feel.
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      I'm bisexual too, well that's what I am labeling myself as of now. I'm 22 and I still haven't come out to my parents about it. Most of my friends know, the ones who I care enough to tell anyways. I still live with them because of my college course, but now that I'm finished it and will be moving out on my own soon enough, I think I might be able to muster up the courage to tell them. The thing is that a lot of people have a bad view on bisexual people, they think that because we like both sexes were sluts when to me at least It's not that way at all.

      Like David said your still young, and shouldn't feel the need to come out to everyone, especially your parents. Wait till your in a serious relationship with a guy or when you've moved out. Though it is your decision, it might be in your best interest to keep it quiet, you never know how your parents will take the news.

      Of course, you could come out in the most awesome ways ever,
      1) Walk into a room wearing a feather boa and scream that your just too fabulous for only pussy and must share your glamour with both sexes.
      2) Just casually walk in, sit down, and start reading a gay porn mag.
      3) "Mother would you pass the salt... TO A BISEXUAL!"
      4) Buy a male slave on a leash Jabba the Hutt style.

      :lol: Cazoofo

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    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      David wrote:

      I don't understand why some people feel that they MUST come out, especially when they're young. You're only 16, and the risk of it backfiring is too great. You may think your parents will react positively, but what if they don't? Or what if they are initially accepting but then suddenly "find Jesus" one day and start treating you like shit? Like I said, there's no reason why you should come out right now, at this stage in your life. At least wait until you're out on your own, and self-sufficient.

      Too often I see younger teenagers "coming out" just to seek attention. I personally don't think it's anyone's business except close friends who I can trust.

      Feeling alone, getting it off your chest, confused and missing out on having a boyfriend, first *real* kiss E.T.C

      Keeping a big secret can be very, very hard.
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      cazoofoo wrote:

      Feeling alone, getting it off your chest, confused and missing out on having a boyfriend, first *real* kiss E.T.C

      I don't see how feeling alone has anything to do with why you should come out to your parents. Getting it off your chest? It's not a burden at all. Kiss? Again...what does this have to do with parents?

      cazoofoo wrote:

      Keeping a big secret can be very, very hard.

      I know that feel bro...the urge to proclaim loudly to my parents that I like to suck cock is just too tempting sometimes... /lol NOT
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      David wrote:

      I don't see how feeling alone has anything to do with why you should come out to your parents. Getting it off your chest? It's not a burden at all. Kiss? Again...what does this have to do with parents?

      I know that feel bro...the urge to proclaim loudly to my parents that I like to suck cock is just too tempting sometimes... /lol NOT

      But RMG, you have to take into consideration that some will want to have a long term relationship with someone of the same sex. Parents will sooner or later find out you're dating the same sex and "sucking cock." While I do agree with you in some degree -- that coming out is a bit silly because it is none of your parent's business who you date -- but you still have to tell your parents eventually (unless. of course, you disowned them or they died).

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Tomb ().

    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      I wish we lived in the kind of world where people don't need to come out. That parents don't assume their kids sexuality, and don't give a shit. Where parents ask if you have a girlfriend, and or a boyfriend. And that telling someone you prefer a particular sex is just small talk and chit chat, like telling someone your favourite colour.
    • Re: wish i could tell my parents :(

      cazoofoo wrote:

      I wish we lived in the kind of world where people don't need to come out. That parents don't assume their kids sexuality, and don't give a shit. Where parents ask if you have a girlfriend, and or a boyfriend. And that telling someone you prefer a particular sex is just small talk and chit chat, like telling someone your favourite colour.

      I agree with this and the other previous ones. but also my main reason is that i want to tell my friends and my school. but they are the sort of people that will immediately facebook it and so my parents would find out and i would prefer to tell them than they "find out"
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