over bearing boy friend...I need advice badly

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    • over bearing boy friend...I need advice badly

      :confused: Im a 17 year old junior in highschool, and a girl who is rather distressed and confused about the relationship im in. Before he officially asked me out, my boyfriend and I were friends for over a year, and then we 'talked' romantically for at least 3 months if not more...I suppose you could say we've been in a relationship for about 2 months...everything was wonderful and I was extremely happy up until recently. Over spring break I went to Germany with a school group, and he did not go. Before I left he constantly worried that I was going to cheat on him and made me promise a million times over that I wouldnt. This concern stemmed from the fact that my ex boyfriend who I dated on and off for 6 months was coming on the trip with me, and I have a fairly friendly relationship with my ex. I did not cheat on my boyfriend on the trip, and we reunited when I returned happily. Despite him 'trusting me,' my boyfriend asked numerous other people who were on the trip with me if I had cheated on him with anyone, namely with my ex. They all assured him that I did not, and mostwent on to tell me that he was concerned. In addition to this, my boy friend freaks out at the slightest interaction I may have with any other male. He shoots me concerned looks if I merely have a conversation with any other guys in my classes, and constantly steals my phone to go through my text messages to boys who have been my friends since freshman year. This is extremely annoying, and has begun to push me away from my boyfriend, and desire both space and a bit more freedom. Finally, he constantly refers to my sister as his 'sister in law' and actually sent me ideas for what our wedding is going to look like. He brings up the wedding idea frequently, and talks about moving in together. We're 17, and this is a rather radical idea for a couple who has been dating for 2 months. He has also asked me if Im going to leave him when I get to college, and already assumes that we're going to have a long distance relationship. My boy friend freaked out at the prospect of us ever breaking up, and has informed me multiple times that he will kill himself if we ever do break up. This not only frightens me, but concerns me about our relationship and how heavily he's taking everything. Im beginning to want to distance myself from him, and this is not how I saw our relationship going. I do have extremely strong feelings for my boy friend, but right now theyre being compromised, and I have the desire to talk to my other guy friends more, mostly platonic, but one of which I had a thing with in the past, as well as my ex...I really need help, and any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.
    • Re: over bearing boy friend...I need advice badly

      I know exactly how you feel, I was in a relationship that was very similar a year and a half ago or so at the same age. You have the right idea to get out of that relationship, because things will only get worse if you continue dating. I made the mistake to just bear it out, and I congratulate you for realizing that you need space.

      I'm not saying all people who say they're going to kill themselves over exaggerate, but in situations like this, they usually do. Does he have a history of self harm? This is what over controlling people do, they lie and manipulate those close to them, and thats exactly what he's doing to you. Have you ever spoken/met his parents? If so, then I suggest you let them know what he threatened after you break up with him. This is to assure that they'd keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything drastic. If not, then try to make the timing when you know he's going to be hanging out with a friend or something.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling