Does he like me?

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    • Does he like me?

      What do you think 1
        Yes (1) 100%
        No (0) 0%
        Maybe (0) 0%
      I'm in high school and I have gym class right now, I made a lot of friends in the class but there's this one boy. He's really cute but I am far to shy to talk to him, so I found him on facebook and saw his number, I texted him with him not knowing who I am. I actually texted him for like a week after school everyday and we have tons in common, and yes I always text him first he never texts me. Just out of speculation he figured out it was me, but we still don't talk in class. He say's he's shy and im shy to so I don't know how were ever going to talk. He stares at me most of the time in class i'm not sure what that means, and he's really nice to me on text. And he even told me he wanted a lasting relationship with the right person. (His relationships never work out because he's shy) But he is nice to everyone, but I don't understand so much, we gaze at eachother all the time. What does this mean?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Unomassacara ().

    • Re: Does he like me?

      It sounds like he might have a crush on you, but he's just not really sure how to take the next step. If you guys ever want to have a shot at having a relationship, one of you has to take the next step by actually talking to one another. Maybe try to get him alone so he doesn't feel awkward in class or something. Try to talk to him on a deeper level through text, hint that you have a crush on him, ask about his personal life so he knows you're interested.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Does he like me?

      I'm not going to speculate on whether or not he likes you, because both yes and no have been suggested.

      What you need to do is try and talk to him. I know you're both shy, but for anything more to happen, you have to actually TALK. Texting is great and all, but it's not as good as face to face talking.

      Try approaching him in class when there's downtime. Or after school, if you can catch him. Try not to make him uncomfortable, and just talk about things you're both interested in. Or something you both can relate to. If it's school, that's fine, too. Because at least you're talking. Eventually, you can switch to more personal subjects, and he'll be more comfortable talking to you.
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."