Should I add him on Facebook? I'm scared..

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    • Should I add him on Facebook? I'm scared..

      So yesterday last night, I was at the dance party that was at the church. I met this guy who is four years older than me (he's 20 turning 21 this year, I'm 16 turning 17 this year). He spoke to me first and we just introduced ourselves and then had some casual talk. Later on, my best friend asked me to dance with him but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I danced with him. We both danced together and I came to find out the way he danced was really cool and I liked it.
      Then we took a photo booth together, and he wrapped his arm around me and touching my shoulder for the whole time. After that, he then offered me to take a walk outside together and he basically made me hold his hands for the entire walk, while we were just talking more and more together.
      That time we only met for one hour and we're already like this. And somehow, I felt insecure throughout the night. In my opinion, I don't believe in love at the first hour. He told me that I'm really pretty and that he likes my dress and my necklace that I was wearing to the party.
      I also realized that he lives 30 miles away from me, but he came to the dance party to be with friends while I'm also at the party to be with my best friend. When it was time for him to go, he hugged me wrapping both his arms around me and he started asking about my facebook so I gave him my name and asked him to give me his name too just in case. I really don't know if I should add him, I'm feeling strange and insecure even though hes a nice guy. I actually don't think he's good looking though.. My facebook is actually personal which is the fact that I put everything to private and that I don't add people I dont know, but I dont really want him to know me more and because there's a guy at my own school that I really like. Should I add him? Maybe I'm just being paranoid..I don't know:confused: I just care about my safety.

      The post was edited 6 times, last by lalakiwi ().

    • Re: Should I add him on Facebook? I'm scared..

      If you don't want to add him, then don't. If you're scared and you just don't want to, then I see no reason why you should put yourself in an uncomfortable situation and do that.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Should I add him on Facebook? I'm scared..

      well has has he add you yet? he sounds like a pretty legitimit guy no one of those guys that just wants sex but a guy that sounds like he means what he says.
      but if he was really interested in you he would have probable alreday add you unless he is really busy and cant. non the less i would wait one more day and if he dosnt add you you should add him or atleast send him a messege. and this is info comming from a guy about a guy so your getting the truth trust me... take a chance and see what happens
    • Re: Should I add him on Facebook? I'm scared..

      Its simple, if you don't feel comfortable adding him on Facebook then don't. Only do what you are comfortable with. Just because you add him, does not mean that things have to go any further than that, but if you are not comfortable with him seeing your personal info then don't.
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.