Did he cheat on his girlfriend with me? (This is long, sorry)

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    • Did he cheat on his girlfriend with me? (This is long, sorry)

      Boyd - my friend
      Salem - my crush (has a girlfriend)

      (you don't have to read this part - just some background information if you're interested/you care/are bored x) )

      Okay so theres this guy that goes to my school hes a grade younger than me, but since I went to a different school with different requirements we ended up taking biology together, and I sat next to him - long story short I ended up liking him!
      So I've liked him for about a whole school year now and I always kind of thought he liked me at least a tiny but because he's just so nice to me and we would flirt all class
      but hes not in my class anymore but I still see him around and hes super nice and he smiles and he hugs me everyday :')

      on Friday he Facebook chatted me for the first time(thats kind of a big deal cuz he barely goes on Facebook) asking me what i was doing and he totally implied that he wanted me to go to cruisin grand(its a thing downtown on fridays -a hangout thing for people in the town basically)
      And I saw him there! he walked up to me just when I thought I wouldn't see him(I looked around 3 times -_-) and he hugged me cutely and complimented my jacket! :'D But I only talked to him for like 5 minutes lol but it was cool<3

      (May want to read now but not necessary)[but i'd recommend it ;D]

      Okay so he went camping(just for a few hours) with my best guy friend(we are super close but there is no chemistry between us AT ALL I promise - so don't even say anything like that) on Saturday and I was jealous so I asked if I could go over Sunday hoping that maybe he'd be there but he said to come over that day so of course I said yes so I rode my bike over super eager to see my crush! :DD and when I got there they were on my friends laptop just looking at tumblr, 4chan, watching movies and when I sat down on the couch he said 'wheres my hug?' but my friend was in the middle of us so we just did a 3 person hug but then I got in the middle of them sometime and he was holding my hand :') so was my friend but we always joke like that so it was nothing lol and Salem was kinda cuddling with me [wow I have butterflies typing this. sorry guys] then Boyd did this really scary grudge walk out of the kitchen and scared us and you know how when two people are really scared and just grab for each other and hug? yeah we did that but it was super cute :) meh then just more hand holding and cuddling
      Then Boyd said we should sleep over and we both were able to!
      So we moved to the bedroom and at first I slept on the bed and Boyd&Salem slept on the floor and we talked and stuff it was fun! Then out of nowhere Salem said 'Hey Lorraine? wanna make out? just kidding' then Boyd got mad because I always tell Boyd how I like Salem but when I'm around him I try to act like I don't like him and I guess Salem says he would date me and that he thinks I'm pretty but how he says just kidding and stuff. that made things kind of awkward but it was okay :)
      Then Boyd starting freaking out because his dad if a homophobe and would freak out if he saw him sleeping next to a boy so I switched spots with Salem but Salem was uncomfortable in the bed so I just layed in the middle of them and Salem and cuddled and stuff it was so adorable and I felt so happy with him :) And my boyfriend that broke up with me a couple weeks ago never acted this adorable and never made me feel this way and we dated for 11 months! It was perfect, like a movie :)
      Alright so Boyd had to go to the bathroom and when it was just us alone he asked if I liked him and I got soo nervous and said 'kindaaa, but I try not to like anybody' and he might have said oh but anyways Boyd came back

      (read now)
      Then Later I asked boyd if he could go get my purse and then out of freaking nowhere Salem like jumps on me and kissed me but it wasn't gentle like I imagined it'd be, it was like making out(which I've never actually done) and I was so nervous so I pushed him off and said "What are you doing! Don't you have a girlfriend?" and he said "Not right now" and that shocked me because I thought he really liked her but then I said "Why'd you do that?!" and he said "I don't know, I'm ashamed" but he wasn't totally serious, at least I think. Then we stopped cuddling and all 3 of us started talking about scary ghost stories and such and all got scared, then a little later Boyd fell asleep, but didn't know. I asked 'are you guys awake?' and Salem said he was and I said 'oh good I don't want to be awake alone' and then pulled me close to him. :) then he asked 'why did you freak out when I kissed you?" and I said I was surprised and not expecting it
      oh gosh, then he asked "what would you do if I did again?" and i was just like omg. but I said "I'd be okay with that" xDD ah sorry, it's just so overwhelming
      and then he did but it was just a cute gentle kiss :kiss: but then he asked if he could try again and i said yes and then he kissed me but with tongue which was a first for me and it wasn't weird! he tasted so good and then he went on top of me it was heaven <3 :hugs: but then I felt bad for Boyd because hes never even kissed a girl so i told him that and we stopped but it was the best kiss i ever had, then when we were back in cuddling position he kissed me really cute and quick and gentle it was amazing. Then I was half asleep in his arms and he was touching my back and side all over it felt really good it was like he was seducing me ugh, then he asked if it felt good and I said it tickles but it was cool and then he started to touch my stomach and i was going crazy(inside of course)
      this part gets kinky so if you are young or religious or something don't read!
      Then he put his hand down low but with my pants still on and just rubbing around and then he went a step further and went inside my pants but with undies still there and I kinda freaked out because I didn't know he liked me like that, that was seriously the last thing on my mind that would happen so I said 'woah what are you doing!' and he said 'just wait' like o.m.g. so hot lol then he went even a step further and was rubbing me and fingering me and switching it up and he would breathe in my ear really heavily it was so hot
      but then we were done and we layed together for a little bit but ok thats it

      would you consider that cheating that just really shocks me, why would he do that?? He doesn't go on his facebook much but when he does he usually writes I love you on his girlfriend's statuses. She doesn't go to our school though she lives like 15 minutes away but it's still pretty close
      ugh what do I do! I'm so nervous to pass by him at school. Does this mean he likes me?? HELP:o
    • Re: Did he cheat on his girlfriend with me? (This is long, sorry)

      This doesn't necessarily mean he likes you, he could just be messing around, or maybe his girlfriend won't let him do anything like that with her.
      Although, you need to talk to him, it could even be over facebook or something, and you need to agree whether it was just messing around, or whether it actually means something. If it really does mean something, he needs to make the choice of either you or his girlfriend. But don't rush him with that choice, because from experience I know that it's not an easy decision to make, and he could just get himself in a state about it.
      Just be prepared to give him some space, and tell him how you feel.
      Hope this helps. :)
    • Re: Did he cheat on his girlfriend with me? (This is long, sorry)

      To answer your question.. I would count that as cheating. Because he's doing things with you that a guy should generally do with his girlfriend/significant other.

      He MIGHT like you.. or he could have just gotten caught up in the moment. You should talk to him about it and see what he feels. Maybe things aren't going well with his current relationship. If he wants to be with you, he needs to break up with his girlfriend first. Until then, make sure you don't go doing things like that again. It could give you and him a bad reputation.

      I hope things go well. Good luck!
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Did he cheat on his girlfriend with me? (This is long, sorry)

      Haha, shit that was long. At this age though, all relationships are gropefests or nothing at all, but usually both. Don't worry about it. Talk to him about it. Though id imagine he doesn't consider anyone his girlfriend so youre probably fine.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]