Making Moves.

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    • Making Moves.

      So I'm 16, and after a lot of depression and such, i finally feel like i can have a stable relationship with someone.
      Problem: There are no guys at my school that i would want to ask out, and none of them ask me anyway.
      I think i'm pretty, and there isn't really anything wrong with me, but i constantly get asked for girl advice or being called a sister or a mom.
      I wait around and everyone tells me that someone will come into my life but the last time that happened i recieved a VERY VERY creepy legit stalker. scary.
      My best guy friend keeps telling me to just make moves and guys will flock, but that's not necessarily what i want. I'm not a prude but no one seems interested.
    • Re: Making Moves.

      Honestly I was like that in high school too. I despised all the guys in my class and all of them avoided me as well. I never got asked out, and I never had a date for a school dance, and I was happy about that. I would rather spend my time on guys that are worth it than waste time on guys that aren't. Just be patient and the right guy will come along. High school kids nowadays want to rush everything and grow up way faster than they need to. Enjoy being in high school and don't worry about dating someone or finding the "one." High school guys are immature. Just have fun.