Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

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    • Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I don't really know any reasons why I should stay alive. The ones I am given and told are true I find to be complete lies. And I just find so many other reasons to end my existence. I mostly at the moment just need someone to talk to at the moment. Because I already had typed up my suicide letter....
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      What's up? I got some free time, might be able to help you out.. :)
      "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I don't want to tell you what to do, so I'll just tell you what I do. :) Over the past few years I have trained my self to think in only positive ways. When I think I never use the words don't, wasn't, or didn't. When you trying to think of positive things, those words can contradict that. And whenever I wake up I think of 5 things I'm thankful for before I get out of bed. It may sound weird, but it keeps your mind in happy shape.
      So that's just a little advice from me to you. :)
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I'm not sure about refraining from using those words, but I have a similar morning ritual.. I wake up and appreciate that I slept wonderfully in a bed of my own. I appreciate the clothes I'm about to put on. Then I appreciate all the things in my life that make it worth living, be them big or small.. :D
      "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Well let me give you an example.

      Don't think of an elephant.

      What did you think of? An elephant right? Of course you did. When we say don't, didn't, or wasn't, our mind doesn't pick them up. So when you say "I wish I didn't feel so crappy" you're still thinking of how crappy you feel. And therefore your mind is still thinking in the backround of how crappy you feel. See what I'm saying?
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Yea, I get what you mean.. when used in that context it keeps you in a negative mind-state.
      "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Yea, i've noticed that myself countless times.. I didn't catch on to your logic until after you explained it. :p
      "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      hey i know what your going through i went through the same thing and most of my friends are going through it now 2, i may not know the reason y u want 2 die but ive been through the whole i want 2 die thing and mine was because of my mom, my mom and i have never gotten along at all and i honastly don't like when she yells at me so that didn't make it any better, but i can say that what ever it is its not worth taking your life over it, i don't mean 2 sound rude because apparently i can sound that way, but iv been through so many different senarioes 4 the reasons y i wanted 2 die, heres pritty much all them if i can remember all of them i might not be able 2 but any way i wanted 2 die because of my mom, my boyfriend being an ass, my friends getting into fights with my other friends and then them throughing me in the middle of it, having 2 chose between 2 friends, my sibblings, my teachers, the people in my classes, family members dieing, and just being plain ticked off, but when ever i feel like dieing i look 2 my friends that i know are going 2 be their 4 me no matter what im going through and the ones that i can trust and they always help me through it, oh and theirs one more, that is probuly the most important one ever, the fact that im bi and idk how 2 tell my friends, ive told most of my friends but their are still some friends that i feel if i tell them that im bi that they will stop being my friend, it took me a year and a half just 2 tell the friends that i have told that im bi, and so far only one flipped out even though it was my best friend in the whole wide world megan, she flipped out badly but shes still my friend/sister shes just a little distant now, like she doesnt run up and give me a hug randomly anymore i half 2 keep reminding her that her and me r just sisters and that it will always stay that way unless we get into a fight where we end up not being friends or just being like friends but not that close of friends like the kind of friends that u only talk 2 ever once in a whyle, and sorry about the long message, its the only way i can actualy talk, like i don't talk this long face 2 face most the time, and i never say this much through text messages, but on fb, myyearbook, myspace, and everything else i feel like i can be more open i guess, idk y
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Well, I was bullied in school, also, and it's pretty hard don't believe in the bad things they talk about you.
      And, in boyfriend question, it's just you wait for the right guy. When you're least expecting, a great guy will appear, I'm sure, but don't think in suicide anymore. I know it's hard, but, with the right treatment, you'll get :)
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Because no one likes me in the way more than friends.
      Hey man, don't discount friends! Friends are great!

      As for bullying, I'm sure this sounds cliche, but really the only reason people do it is because they want to make themselves feel better. If they were fine with themselves, don't you think they would have better things to do with their time than go around making other people feel bad? So you have to kind of be a little bit "selfish" with this. Use YOUR OWN brain, and find out what YOU do and don't like about yourself. And work toward changing the bad things. Nobody's perfect. Everyone has things they don't like about themselves. But don't base your opinion of yourself on what someone else says.

      Or it doesn't help when people really enjoy taking your happiness. Orrrrrrr hurting you in general. XP
      If people are purposely trying to hurt you, they're not good people, so really, why should you care what they think? You're already a better person than them for not treating people the way they do. And that's one reason right there why you should stay alive: We need nice people here in the world to make it a better place than those not-nice people try to make it.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      really, there's lots of people out there who've never had a girlfriend or boyfriend (myself including.. and i'm 20.) before. Is that a reason to die? hell no. I have friends, lots of friends and i appreciate every moment spent with them. I would not trade my friends for any girlfriend right now. You should appreciate what you have and enjoy the life, go out and have some fun, meet new people etc.

      Boyfriends don't come around knocking on your door, you should put yourself out there and, like i said, meet new people, be a happy person and sooner or later you'll meet the right guy. Really suicide should never be an option - there's always at least one reason to live and that one reason is enough to stay alive :)

      Things will get better, trust me :) Think positive and go out there with your friends and suicidal thoughts will go away ;)
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      5l4ck wrote:

      really, there's lots of people out there who've never had a girlfriend or boyfriend (myself including.. and i'm 20.) before. Is that a reason to die? hell no. I have friends, lots of friends and i appreciate every moment spent with them. I would not trade my friends for any girlfriend right now. You should appreciate what you have and enjoy the life, go out and have some fun, meet new people etc.

      Boyfriends don't come around knocking on your door, you should put yourself out there and, like i said, meet new people, be a happy person and sooner or later you'll meet the right guy. Really suicide should never be an option - there's always at least one reason to live and that one reason is enough to stay alive :)

      Things will get better, trust me :) Think positive and go out there with your friends and suicidal thoughts will go away ;)

      I have many friends, but they are fucking retarded and love to keep reminding me how I am single. And which brings me back to hating myself and makes my probably eating disorder develop. And when I do put myself out there, sadly to say they all leave me for my friends. Because I am fat and ugly. And these feelings are very strong, and makes me feel that no one wants me or will want me. And it also gives me no reason to live.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      You obviously aren't happy with your appearance. Well, to feel better about that, you can work on losing weight, styling your hair differently, experimenting with makeup, etc. It's much easier, more fun, and more interesting than killing yourself.

      Also, you're probably exaggerating your alleged fatness/ugliness to yourself. I knew this girl, once, who always thought she was ugly and fat. She got teased for being fat. Well I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Same deal with me. I always used to think I was hideous (even though I don't think people actually ever teased me about my looks), and every time I looked in the mirror I saw hideousness. The mind's a powerful thing, man. If you think you're ugly and fat, ugly and fat is what you'll see.

      Also, I'm starting to become a little bit of a believer in the "everything happens for a reason" mantra. Seriously, if someone would leave you for your friend, they aren't very good boyfriend material, are they? So it's good that they get out of the way of the guy who's one day going to fall in love with you.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by cool_walking_ ().