starting off for college

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    • starting off for college

      i'll be going to college this school year. i've never been a "new student" before so this whole "new school, new admin, new people" thing is, well, new to me.

      any advice on how to survive first day? haha : DD

      and what course are you guys taking up or planning to take up in college?
      [i'll be taking up business administration] what about you guys? : )
      [CENTER]"are you FREE tomorrow?" | NO. i'm EXPENSIVE :rolleyes:[/CENTER]
    • Re: starting off for college

      1. Tour the campus before your first day and find out where all of your classes are. It'll stop you from looking like a lost duck and keep your anxiety down. Not to mention it'll save you time, and you might even be able to help others.
      2. Join some kind of club/group/think about rushing.
      3. Stay organized- if you start on the first day with organization, it'll really help you stay organized throughout the year.
      4. Make sure you have all your teachers emails, and make sure you get 2 different people from each class' emails as well.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling