my so called "best friend"

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    • my so called "best friend"

      okay so i was going to hangout with my bestfriend (who is a guy) and we had it all planned i told him i would call him when i got home from the doctor. and he said he couldnt wait. then i call him and he is like im leaving now. i should be back soon. and i was like okay.. (thinking his mom wanted him to go somewhere) then i said well im home when you are ready.. what do you have to do anyway? and he texts back im out with katie (a girl who graduated last year from our highschool) i was so angry. i wanted to cry. i dont understand we had a serious talk lastnight and he always tells me hes always there for me but it only has been true once. i texted him why would you go out with her if we had plans. and he never answered... and i feel like i cant let this friendship go because ive known him my entire life. and he is my best friend or so i thought. i dont know what to do. please help.. :(
    • Re: my so called "best friend"

      Im actually having this delima myself, actually. Just slightly different. This girl whom I like and is my best friend, we had a really intense talk.. Twice? I think. But basically she said I was her best friend along with someone elsw. Yesterday I got completely ignored on FB( cant see her atm ) and so on. Basically, I feel like shit now and Im sure you do too. Just hang in there, Im sure it was a one time thing. Try rescheduling your plans, or just calling him and talking every so often.

      I forgot to put the part where I relate, my friend she posted that she had met her best friend for life and all and talked with him while ignoring me.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Little Raven: I put Him instead of him, I dont want her best friend to sound like God ha. ().

    • Re: my so called "best friend"

      I don't think it's worth losing your friendship over. It wasn't a very considerate thing to do (in either situation) but it happens. Like Knitler said, try rescheduling something and maybe he'll try to make up for it. But if he keeps on ditching, then that's just plain rude. You might have to confront him about it if it keeps up, but only if it keeps up. You don't want to fall out over just one occasion, just in case he really is sorry about it and he did have a legit reason. It wasn't very considerate of him, but people make mistakes. At least give him a chance to apologize.
      [CENTER][COLOR="Teal"]**I'd rather forget and not slow down**[/COLOR][/CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][/FONT]
    • Re: my so called "best friend"

      Its not worth losing a friendship over. Sure it wasn't very nice thing to do on his part, and he should have contacted you to tell you he wouldn't make it. But have you talked to him and let him explain why he was did what he did?? Can I ask do you have feelings towards him, or is he just friends?? If it is the latter, then you have to understand that you cant spend every waking minute together, and we all have other friends and sometimes we would like to hang out with them. I think you just need to talk with him calmly and try and understand why he was not there. He should not have gone about it the way he did though. If he keeps doing it, then you should confront him. But as said above, one incident is not enough to throw a friendship away.
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.
    • Re: my so called "best friend"

      kopite wrote:

      But have you talked to him and let him explain why he was did what he did?? Can I ask do you have feelings towards him, or is he just friends??

      yeah. i do have feelings towards him. very strong feelings actually. but i put thoes feelings aside because i dont want it to affect our friendship.. and i did talk to him, actually monday june 6th i saw him outside by himself and because i live 5 houses away i just walked over and hung out with him. and i told him it was messed up and i was really mad at him, and he was like im sorry. i have to make it up to you. but i still dont know what to do about the liking him part.... i try SOOOOO HARD to just act normal and it works but then i get home and am like that was so much fun :) and cant stop thinking about him but not as a friend. as more.. since the day he ditched me weve been texting nonstop also. and he does not like texting at all. he actually HATES it. so idk what this could mean. we have had such a history. for school i needed to write a poem about true love and the only person i could think of while writing it was him, and i told him i wrote it about him and he didnt believe me he thought i was kidding... i dont know what to do now.....
    • Re: my so called "best friend"

      HockeyFan wrote:

      why are you pissed?
      he is allowed to hang out with other chicks. you arent dating so who cares. he probably gonna fuck that chick so be happy 4 him

      Shut the fuck up.

      Anyways OP, don't think too deeply about it. Sure, ditching was rude, but it happens sometimes. As previously mentioned, try rescheduling and hanging out another time. But if he keeps ditching, try to talk to him about it.