Girl says she likes me but seems uninterested in meeting up?!

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    • Girl says she likes me but seems uninterested in meeting up?!

      Im 16 and theres a girl i like that's 15, we've texted/spoke on msn since the beginning of the year and started meeting up recently, she's told me that she really likes me and i know that i like her, i plan on asking her to be my girlfriend in the next few times i see her.
      i haven't seen her for a week and 3 days now though, and i told her we need to meet up again soon cause its been over a week, and her reply was 'we do, but a week isn't thatttt long though' so i said ' long enoughhh' and she answered with 'im sure its not that bad'
      the thing is, i actually miss seeing her since 9-10 days ago, is that normal? or is she right in saying a week isnt that bad? because its making me think she isn't bothered with me as much as i am with her because she doesn't seem to be bothered about not seeing me for over a week :/
    • Re: Girl says she likes me but seems uninterested in meeting up?!

      Just push her too hard in terms of this lovey dovey ''i miss you'' after 9 days stuff, if you two aren't even going out. Play it cool, once she starts to say some things like that then you know that is when you should try ask her out!