I kissed him...I loved it, now idk what do do... help

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    • I kissed him...I loved it, now idk what do do... help

      This is kindof a long story.. but I really need advice and help and yeah.. Thankyou for reading this if you do:)

      I am 13, and I think he is 14.. He has commitment issues, so he has asked me out and we have "gone out" for about a day sometimes, others about an hour or even just 3 minutes.. I have liked him the entire school year, and yeah.. My friends think I'm in love with him. I think I might be... Something happened in April with texting where we got in trouble for saying some stuff, and now were not allowed to text him anymore. I miss talking to him and I miss seeing him and I miss hugging him.. It actually hurts to think about him, like my heart skips a beat. The other day in order to text him my friend told me to tell him it was her, and I did. He replied, and "she" talked to him for about an hour. She was there, so it wasn't a complete lie... He told "her" that if he was allowed to talk to me he would. So "she" told him to just change my contact name and he can talk to me like he was texting my phone with "her".

      ---------- Post added at 07:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 AM ----------

      i accidentily submitted it without finishing the story.. heres the rest:

      This is kindof a long story.. but I really need advice and help and yeah.. Thankyou for reading this if you do:)

      I am 13, and I think he is 14.. He has commitment issues, so he has asked me out and we have "gone out" for about a day sometimes, others about an hour or even just 3 minutes.. I have liked him the entire school year, and yeah.. My friends think I'm in love with him. I think I might be... Something happened in April with texting where we got in trouble for saying some stuff, and now were not allowed to text him anymore. I miss talking to him and I miss seeing him and I miss hugging him.. It actually hurts to think about him, like my heart skips a beat. The other day in order to text him my friend told me to tell him it was her, and I did. He replied, and "she" talked to him for about an hour. She was there, so it wasn't a complete lie... He told "her" that if he was allowed to talk to me he would. So "she" told him to just change my contact name and he can talk to me like he was texting my phone with "her". We talked for a little while, and we both had to go. Then this morning he texted me, and we talked a little bit. Then he told me to call him, and we talked for like 15 minutes. He told me a lot of stuff about stuff, then he told me he still wasn't ready for a relationship, and he told me to stop texting him since he's not allowed to talk to me. I went to my friends house to hang with her again, and we texted him again, as her. We were both typing things, but he thought it was her. I really wanted to kiss him, because a few weeks ago I had the chance but I was too nervous since I liked him so much. But I kept thinking about kissing him... "she" told him I kept talking about kissing him, and the night before I had told him I wanted to rlly bad. He was at the high school near my house doing some conditioning for football, and I had to go right past there on my way home from my friends house, and I wanted to see him, so he told "her" to tell me he had a surprise for me... I went. I rode my bike there.. down tht little path.. I was SOOOO nervous... My heart was pounding so hard, and I was shaking.. I saw him. He was alone in the middle of the track... I went over to him, and he told me to close my eyes.

      He kissed my cheek, and then he kissed my lips... We made out for like 5 minutes, and It was amazing... I have liked him for so long.. wanted it for so long.. but I was so nervous.. My mouth was so dry I felt like i would be a horrible kisser but he said I wasn't.. I told him I had to go home, because I did, but he didn't let me leave. We walked over to the soccer goal in the middle of the field, and we sat down under it..We made out for like 15 more minutes... It felt like a fairytale.. a magical fairytale.. But I really needed to get home so I wouldn't get in trouble... I didn't want to go, and he didn't want me to either. He kept kissing me, and I loved it. But I had to go so I wouldn't get in trouble.. We got up and he wouldn't let go of me. He kept holding my waist and my hands and he kept asking me to stay.. I wish I could've, but I was already late. I kissed him one more time, and I ran back to the gate and my bike. He called over to make me go to the fence, and we kissed one more time... and then I rode away. I went home and drank a ton of lemonade, cuz my mouth was dry... Kissing him was one of the most amazing things I've ever done.. I really want to do that again.. But he's still not ready for a relationship... I dont know what to do now. He texted me right after i left, adnd we agreed we shouldnt tell anyone. I told my cousin who lives all the way accross the country, but I am having a lot of trouble not telling my freinds... I'm used to telling them everything, and my first kiss is a HUGE thing.. so it's pretty hard trying to not talk about it.

      What should I do to not tell my friends?? And how do I try and get him to go out with me and have a real relationship??

      I want to kiss him again.. I want to kiss him everyday... it felt like a wonderful fairytale.. I want to go out with him for real.. I think I am in love with him, and kissing him just made it more. I keep reliving the moment in my daydreams.. and I can still taste the kiss on my lips.. How do I get him to kiss me again? He said mabye he could go back to the high school soon and i could meet him there again. I really want to.. I love kissing him.. Please help me.. and please nothing negative.. Thankyou for any advice you can give, and if you can't give any advice at least thankyou for taking the time to read this... Wish me luck!
    • Re: I kissed him...I loved it, now idk what do do... help

      Hey there. If he isn't ready then he ain't ready if you love him wait for him to be ready for a serious relationship. Enjoy your time kissing,hugging,loving him for now i hope one day you get to be in a relationship. I wish you luck pal.
    • Re: I kissed him...I loved it, now idk what do do... help

      Oh, and is it weird tht it feels like it never happened? Like I remember every detail about it all, except the actual kissing... Its such a weird feeling.. It feels like I was watching it like in a movie or reading it in a book... But i know it did happen cuz I've been talking to him about it.. I guess mabye I was just in such a state of shock when it was happening tht I don't rlly have much memory of it right now..... He said we can do it again sometime and he's been texting me... :) he told my freind tht he was going to give me a chance! I hope he does give me a chance.. oh and I asked him if he would want to go on a date like to the movies sometime and he said yeah!!! Wish me luck!!!
      <3 I can only be who I are!!! :) <3 :freehugs: