My boyfriends bestfriend died.

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    • My boyfriends bestfriend died.

      I am 16 and my boyfriend was with his bestfriend when he died in an accident. I don't know how to handle this at all. I haven't seen him in almost a week because he has been grieving with family. I text him occasionally but he doesn't seem like he wants to text, which i understand. I want to be with him through this but he has blocked me off which is understandable as well but is hard for me to see him in so much pain and i can't do anything. what should I do?
    • Re: My boyfriends bestfriend died.

      Its not easy to get over a death of anyone close to you. I had a gecko for some time, and one day, he didn't wake up. I felt like I lost a friend, so I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Let him know that you're there for him to talk to when he's ready. Until then, its best that you leave him to mourn his best friend.
    • Re: My boyfriends bestfriend died.

      anotherteengirl wrote:

      I am 16 and my boyfriend was with his bestfriend when he died in an accident. I don't know how to handle this at all. I haven't seen him in almost a week because he has been grieving with family. I text him occasionally but he doesn't seem like he wants to text, which i understand. I want to be with him through this but he has blocked me off which is understandable as well but is hard for me to see him in so much pain and i can't do anything. what should I do?

      You seem to be pretty understanding but you also need to understand that guys grieve and deal with problems differently than girls do. The best way he knows how to deal with things is by himself most likely. Just give him some space. Let him know that you are there for him and are going to support him whenever he is ready, but other than that just leave him alone for now. He'll come to you when he's ready to open up.
    • Re: My boyfriends bestfriend died.

      It's understandable that you just want to fix it and make him feel better. But it's best to just give him space, and let him come to you in his own time. Everyone grieves differently, and if he needs to be alone, al you can do is respect his wishes and wait it out. Be there when he needs you, but don't leap in like superman.
    • Re: My boyfriends bestfriend died.

      You made yourself available. If you can't physically visit him, then you have to wait till he comes to you. He inevitably will, but he may not want to talk about it very much. If that's the case it's cause he just wants things to be normal again, to laugh and stuff, etc. Help him do that.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: My boyfriends bestfriend died.

      I agree with the others. You need to give him space and let him mourn his friend alone if that is what he would prefer to do. As long as he knows that you are there for him when he is ready to talk about it then that is all you need to do. I would say ring him every 3/4 days just to check if he is okay and whether he is ready to talk...
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