3DS or the DSi?

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    • 3DS or the DSi?

      Should I buy the 3DS or the DSi? 2
        3DS (1) 50%
        DSi (1) 50%
      So I'm debating wether I should save up for the 3DS or get the now cheaper DSi. I've been weighing the pros and cons and this what I've been gotten.


      Pros: 1. Analog Control 2. Nice 3D effect 3. has The Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time 3D, and Kingdom Hearts 3D will be coming out for it

      Cons: 1. Super short battery (3 hours with 3D on, 6 hours with it off) 2. Expensive ($250 at gamestop)


      Pros: 1. Alot cheaper ( $150 at gamestop) 2. Much longer battery life

      Cons: 1. No analog control

      I really like the analog control, the 3D effect, and the consol specific games that are coming out for the 3DS. But that battery life, and the price are killing me ( I could buy a new xbox 360 with that cash)

      So what does everyone think I should get? What would you get?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nikon7 ().

    • Re: 3DS or the DSi?

      Honestly, wait a while so that more games can be released; maybe even a small reduction in price. Also, it's never good to buy a console when it is still new. There are a lot of problems that will be rectified in later models. Honestly, I'd just go for the DSi, but I'm personally not a fan of the Nintendo DS to begin with.
      That's just my two cents, but if you like the features of the 3DS, then I'd say get it. But maybe it will be worth waiting a while.
    • Re: 3DS or the DSi?

      Tombgeek wrote:

      Honestly, wait a while so that more games can be released; maybe even a small reduction in price. Also, it's never good to buy a console when it is still new. There are a lot of problems that will be rectified in later models. Honestly, I'd just go for the DSi, but I'm personally not a fan of the Nintendo DS to begin with.
      That's just my two cents, but if you like the features of the 3DS, then I'd say get it. But maybe it will be worth waiting a while.
