Pinned The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    osing Weight the Healthy Way

    How to Lose the Pounds
    If you want to lose those last couple of pounds for summer, or just want to mantain a healthy weight, here are the most important things to know while doing it.
    word of caution on pills, eating diet programs and diet supplements.
    • Diet pills can help a little, but in the end they hurt you more than help you. you could get addicted and dependent on them
    • If the weight losing product you want says something about eating whatever you want, no limits, or extreme weight loss then the product is not telling you the whole truth.
      The Truth
      The sad truth is, is that you can not lose weight while eating what ever you want and without any bounds. If that were the truth, everyone would be losing weight. And losing a large amount of weight in a small amount of time is dangerous to your body.
      Get a Goal
      To lose weight, depending on how much you want to lose, you will need to set a time goal and how much you wanna lose. Be realistic. Don't say Oh I want to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks. That is very very harmful to your body and it would discourage you in the end when you don't make the goal. Think of it as a formula. 1-2 pounds a week is healthy weight loss. Eating healthy+ exercise= weight loss=happier you later on.

      DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER- every single day your body needs eight glasses of 8 oz glasses of water. DAILY! this is will help you feel fuller and not eat as much. Sugary sodas, teas, and even low fat smoothies and coffees are full of calories. You know when you are hydrated enough when your urine is clear colored and you are dehydrated if your pee is color of lemonade.

      Stop When Your Body Says STOP- Sure that cake slice calls to you but is it really worth it? Especially when you already ate. If your body tells you that you are comfortably full, you should listen. It means that you don't need anymore to eat and function well. You have everything you need at the moment. If you really want to eat the greasy and oozing in sugar foods, go ahead. But modesty is essential. Don't eat a pound bag of low fat chips and expect to lose a pound. Not gonna happen. Analyze the often looked over nutrition facts. You will be surprised at how many calories are in so little.

      Dig In...Sometimes
      It is ok to have that 540 calorie slice of cheesecake or that lucius cream pie, but not everyday. Not even every week. If you usually eat a lot of greasy, unhealthy, processed, or sweetened food, it will take you longer to adjust to different food. Your body craves sugary and unhealthy food due to additives in many processed foods. And because it simply is used to that diet. Break the habit by mixing in celery sticks and low fat ranch in your diet. Instead of chips, eat pretzels. Got soda? Try milk, water, flavored water, green tea. Gradually as you make healthier decisions and add better choices to your diet, you will crave the sugary food less and you will be fuller longer.

      Be conscious on what you eat and if needed, keep a food journal. It can be a lot of work to remember what you ate but it gets easier and it pays off. Once you realize what unnecessary things you eat and can shave off of your diet, losing weight will be that much easier.

      How Much Should you, him ,and I lose?
      Grown males should eat about 2500 calories a day. However, to lose 1 pound a week, you need to kill 500 calories a day. So 2000 calories for men to burn 1 pound a fat a week.
      Grown women should eat about 2000 calories, so shave off 500 calories a day.

      This can be preformed through eating healthier or exercising.
      Also, limit yourself on fast foods, they are processed and full of not good things. Go for fresh colorful foods.

      Here is a list of foods that fill you up fast with out having to eat a lot. They keep you fuller longer too.

      Penut butter (a tablespoon is enough for one day, too much can pack the calories on)
      whole grains
      apples, and fruits and veggies in general
      WATER WATER WATER (They don't keep you as full as the foods above though)

      Water is essential to losing weight because it increases your body's metabolism that burns calories. MYTH- Drinking too much water or at a certain temp makes you bloat.
      The more you drink the more you pee the more flushed out and clean you are inside

      Exercise is a great way to manage your weight if you don't want to give up that daily donut. It gives you something to do, possible friends if it is a team sport, and it increases your mental health (ie. you will feel happier). Exercise does not mean you have to go run a hundred laps, or go do an ironman. Although that is impressive if you do. All you need is some motivation and some imagination.
      Use stairs not elevators
      do some pushups, squats or sit ups during commercials while watching tv
      get outside and walk thirty minutes a day
      go to the gym (use treadmill. stairstepper. assortment of muscle building machines)
      go to class that specializes in something (dancing, yoga, cardio)
      tv classes (many many videos on exercising like P90X, zumba dance, etc)
      make a group of your own that does a sport you love (partner with neighbors, family, friends and have fun being healthy together)
      Remember to drink lots of water. I know I have said this mulitple times, but it is so important especially if you are exercising a lot.

      These tips will give you the knowledge you need to start off successfully and end successfully on your journey to a healthier, leaner body. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to pm.
    Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
  • Re: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    darklingcode wrote:

    I didn't say they were low calorie. Only that they will fill you up faster than other foods.

    Any measure of "filling" is meaningless when calories aren't taken into account. I'm sure you could only eat a relatively small quantity of butter before feeling full, but that doesn't mean those looking to lose weight should be nibbbling on sticks of butter.

    darklingcode wrote:

    Pretzels are better for you than say a bag of greasy sodium filled chips, or cookies.

    I'd say the chips might actually be better. I'd rather eat a bag of potato slices than a bag of flour chunks. Most pretzels would probably be full of the same dodgy vegetable oils as most potato chips anyway. And cookies? Well yeah, because they're basically pretzels with added sugar. They're still pretty bad though and if you're going to eat either you should just treat it as a cheat meal instead of trying to justify your choice on health grounds.
  • Re: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    This is super helpful for me, thanks a lot. I'm very bordeline overweight, literally like 3 pounds away. And I have lost a lot of weight from my mega-obese childhood, due to diet changes and control. But I would still like to loose about a stone or two, I have moob buds, thunder thighs and flabby belly.

    So, for breakfast I have like, a banana, and I bring an apple and an orange to school with me. And when I get home I don't eat anything until dinner. And my Mum is actually very good at portions, and does make healthy foods. Usually my dinner's are balanced, say pasta, or noodles. Usually home made, with lots of carbohydrates, some form of vegetable or fruit involved. And my Mum is salad obsessed, any meal that you can have salad with, she will make fucking salad.

    Would you say I would loose weight under this diet? I'm a lazy fucked and hate exercise, but I do literally walk everywhere, and never take the bus or drive. Although I must confess 90% of my evenings are like glued to my laptop.

    Also, to add to the pretzle argument, it depends on what kind of pretzels you are having. American pretzels are more doughy, which if you are planning on loosing weight, you shouldn't eat too much doughy, or bread based foods. And although carbs are healthy, they are calorie filled. Plus that much salt is never good for you. I am strongly opposed to just adding salt to any food. You can be just fine with the natural salt levels, adding more is just well, adding more, and salt is generally bad for your health.

    Also, I find pacing yourself when you eat, makes you feel fuller. If you gulf your food down like I do, you have no chance to fully process it and your body can't tell you when your fill. Slow down, and count about 7 seconds when chewing.
  • Re: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    Frosty wrote:

    Any measure of "filling" is meaningless when calories aren't taken into account. I'm sure you could only eat a relatively small quantity of butter before feeling full, but that doesn't mean those looking to lose weight should be nibbbling on sticks of butter.

    I'd say the chips might actually be better. I'd rather eat a bag of potato slices than a bag of flour chunks. Most pretzels would probably be full of the same dodgy vegetable oils as most potato chips anyway. And cookies? Well yeah, because they're basically pretzels with added sugar. They're still pretty bad though and if you're going to eat either you should just treat it as a cheat meal instead of trying to justify your choice on health grounds.

    let me restate this. I am saying that the provided list of foods above will require less consumption than other foods to fill you up due to them being healthy, natural foods that have ingredients that fill you up faster on less calories than other foods. They are just suggestions that people can eat to feel fuller longer without having to chug two liters of soda and a bag of chips.

    it really just depends on the type of chips and pretzels. Of course eating a bag of low fat low sodium chips will be better for you than eating sodium loaded large sourdough pretzels. The potato slices- they may be a veggie but they have been dunked in oil and salt and fried. That is a lot worse for you than some simple sourdough pretzels. Everything depends on the ingredients, and the quantity..

    ---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

    I would agree with that. I said what i said to be safe, because you could be the person who doesn't eat hardly anything filled with moisture.
    Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
  • Re: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    cazoofoo wrote:

    This is super helpful for me, thanks a lot. I'm very bordeline overweight, literally like 3 pounds away. And I have lost a lot of weight from my mega-obese childhood, due to diet changes and control. But I would still like to loose about a stone or two, I have moob buds, thunder thighs and flabby belly.

    So, for breakfast I have like, a banana, and I bring an apple and an orange to school with me. And when I get home I don't eat anything until dinner. And my Mum is actually very good at portions, and does make healthy foods. Usually my dinner's are balanced, say pasta, or noodles. Usually home made, with lots of carbohydrates, some form of vegetable or fruit involved. And my Mum is salad obsessed, any meal that you can have salad with, she will make fucking salad.

    Would you say I would loose weight under this diet? I'm a lazy fucked and hate exercise, but I do literally walk everywhere, and never take the bus or drive. Although I must confess 90% of my evenings are like glued to my laptop.

    Also, to add to the pretzle argument, it depends on what kind of pretzels you are having. American pretzels are more doughy, which if you are planning on loosing weight, you shouldn't eat too much doughy, or bread based foods. And although carbs are healthy, they are calorie filled.

    Well you seem to be aware that carb-dense foods are bad for weight loss, so why are you eating masses of pasta/noodles for dinner if you're borderline overweight? Sounds like you're eating practically no protein as well.

    And what do you mean "carbs are healthy"? Out of all three macronutrients, carbs are the nutrient which doesn't have any use other than energy. At best they're neutral in respect to health, or beneficial in a very roundabout way if you use them to fuel exercise.

    darklingcode wrote:

    let me restate this. I am saying that the provided list of foods above will require less consumption than other foods to fill you up due to them being healthy, natural foods that have ingredients that fill you up faster on less calories than other foods.

    But grains and legumes are very dense in calories and hence don't even fit this criteria.

    darklingcode wrote:

    it really just depends on the type of chips and pretzels. Of course eating a bag of low fat low sodium chips will be better for you than eating sodium loaded large sourdough pretzels. The potato slices- they may be a veggie but they have been dunked in oil and salt and fried. That is a lot worse for you than some simple sourdough pretzels. Everything depends on the ingredients, and the quantity.

    cazoofoo wrote:

    Heres an Idea, just don't have either the chips or the pretzles, and just munch an apple?

    Really this is my thoughts. We all know that chips and pretzels are both bad for you, so lets not waste time arguing which one is marginally healthier. If you eat either you should acknowledge that you're cheating on your diet and eating something unhealthy, not try to justify why you're picking the "healthy" option so it doesn't really matter.
  • Re: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    cazoofoo wrote:

    I'm eating carbohydrates, because I do actually need some energy in the day. If I just ate fruit and Veg, then I'd be totally tired, all the time. Plus there's usually some meat, or meat suppliment in my dinner.

    You're overweight. Your problem is that you take in too much energy, not too little. And "usually some meat or something like that" doesn't sound like it's exactly a balanced diet against nothing else but carbs.
  • Re: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    Frosty wrote:

    You're overweight. Your problem is that you take in too much energy, not too little. And "usually some meat or something like that" doesn't sound like it's exactly a balanced diet against nothing else but carbs.

    I haven't been classified as overweight for 3 years. I checked the scales today and I've lost 18 pounds. Suck it, beyatch.
  • Re: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight Safely!!

    darklingcode wrote:

    It sounds like you know what to do though, so good luck

    That's what confused me. He seems to know what he needs to do, he's just not applying it.

    cazoofoo wrote:

    I haven't been classified as overweight for 3 years. I checked the scales today and I've lost 18 pounds. Suck it, beyatch.

    Whatever. Technical definitions based on BMI aside, by your own admission you wish to lose weight, presumably because your bodyfat is too high. For all intents and purposes you're overweight.

    BTW taking a guess at your protein intake it wouldn't surprise me if like 90% of that weight was lean mass.