Some lonely kid (New member)

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    • Some lonely kid (New member)

      I can't connect with kids my own age because they're too focused on weed and alcohol and Ugg boots.
      I cut everyone who is bad for me out of my life; is it too much to ask for meaningful relationships from other seventeen-year-olds?
      I've been told that I'm much too wise for my own age, cynical, or shy. I've tried with much counseling to correct these mild mannerisms with no improvement. What the hell is wrong, should I just shoot up and wear Ugg boots too?
    • Re: Some lonely kid (New member)

      Counseling won't fix it. You fix yourself. You take action towards that. Cutting the losers out was only step one...

      Stereotypes and generalities are usually mostly true but not wholly. So while most people you've met can't handle a serious mature relationship, there are some who can. You gotta find them, and if you take action towards that you will. Don't despair till then, cause you'll close yourself off, become more cynical, and it gets worse. Keep open.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: Some lonely kid (New member)

      :) Don't do wat they do. Alot of people feel the exact same way as you go out and find those people. And cutting out people who are bad for you is a great thing, second step find people that are good for you. Meaningful relationships are important and its something you deserve.
      :)Always stand up for whats right even if your standing alone:)
    • Re: Some lonely kid (New member)

      Ugg boots are laim, by the way.
      Connecting with people is not about wearing the same things or drinking alcohol. I used to have sociability problems because I was two years youger than everyone in my class, but now it's OK, I think you just need time. There must be someone else in your class who is a bit lonely you should go and try to talk. I know it's hard, and maybe he/she is gonna reject you, but there's a chance.
      I never smoke anything, and I'm pretty well integrated. your differences should be a strength, not a weakness. I'm sure you can do it, if I did (I was really kind of an extraterrestrial in my class a few years ago, no kidding), you will ;)
      Sorry about the eventual mistakes, I'm French. But this doesn't mean I bite ; )
    • Re: Some lonely kid (New member)

      Don't change yourself for those people..smoking weed, drinking, &&'d partying isn't all that..if your happy w/ thee way you live your life w/ all thee smoking or drinking then you won't be happy if you start..stay being who you are and friends will come(: those friends will like you for who YOU are..juss keep your head up(:
    • Re: Some lonely kid (New member)

      I have the same issues, although I'm a little younger than you. Don't do what they do, do what YOU do :). I am also cynical and mature for my age and it's very hard to find friends that are like yourself. Eventually you will, don't worry :)
      Even when it seems like there is no hope, [SIZE=4]hope lives. :)[/SIZE]