making out and having sex

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    • making out and having sex

      im 17, and i remember vividly when i first kissed a girl. it was back in march, at a friend birthday party the week before mine. she was sick of her boyfriend and im good friend to her, so she came and sat with me. she was drunk off her arse and frankly so was i, so i didnrt put up much resistance when she started making out with me. probably lasted a good half an hour, she was very good at it. thing is, now i know what im missing i want to do it again. shes got a new boyfriend, one ses dedicatd to and tbh im his mate so i wouldnt want to pull his lass, but im really craving a good pull. im often at parties but the thing is, theres never many lasses there compared to lads, and a lot of them have boyfriends so theres oly really ever 1 or 2 lasses to pull and when youve got a lot of competition and arent experienced its hard to be the one they choose. i once almost got one, but i didnt have the confidence to approach her even though shes a sure thing (all my mates have fingered her and say it took no effort, they just started talking to her and she initiates it)
      im thinking of going to one of the under 18's night clubs because apparently a lot of the girls there are very slutty. of course i wouldnt go younger than 15, 2 year rule :)
    • Re: making out and having sex

      alfie brown wrote:

      i once almost got one, but i didnt have the confidence to approach her even though shes a sure thing (all my mates have fingered her and say it took no effort, they just started talking to her and she initiates it)
      im thinking of going to one of the under 18's night clubs because apparently a lot of the girls there are very slutty. of course i wouldnt go younger than 15, 2 year rule :)

      That's really disgusting.

      And you are kinda pathetic and creepy.

      And you want to marry a nice christian girl? You really are pathetic and pitiable.
      Evan's friend.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ivaiva ().

    • Re: making out and having sex

      Oh don't bother him, of course it's ''better'' to wait for someone you have feelings for, but I (call me a slut, I don't care) don't go to parties to find the love of my life. Drinking, making out, and yeah, i fit feels ok sex. I have no problem with that, why should he? And I mean he's a guy - they're expected to act like that, even if I hate that stereotypes. :/
      We're in an age where we can do what we want, test things and stuff, and as long as you are careful with diseases and pregnancies and stuff I don't really see the problem. Whoever does it, no matter if girl or boy, is responsible for it for themselves - they are the ones who have to take the consequences.
    • Re: making out and having sex

      well ivaiva - it's HER thing. I f she does it like that it's not surprising that they all treat her like a cunt. It's not nice, but hey, that's the way it goes when females have an open sex life. -.-
      I wouldn't talk about her like that, but I don't see what's so disgusting when he's just one of those typical sexistic guys with no experience who think all girls are there for their personal pleasure.

      To me it's not disgusting, but sad and pathetic. :/
    • Re: making out and having sex

      le_bebieh wrote:

      he's just one of those typical sexistic guys with no experience who think all girls are there for their personal pleasure.

      To me it's not disgusting, but sad and pathetic. :/

      That's true.

      Disgusting thing is that someone finds that kind of behavior attractive and uses persons who behave like that.

      And for me personally idea of a guy who had his fingers in all of my female friend's vaginas would be very disgusting and I for sure wouldn't want and try to have his fingers in mine too, nor would I find it arousing or good opportunity at all.
    • Re: making out and having sex

      ivaiva wrote:

      Disgusting thing is that someone finds that kind of behavior attractive and uses persons who behave like that.

      And for me personally idea of a guy who had his fingers in all of my female friend's vaginas would be very disgusting and I for sure wouldn't want and try to have his fingers in mine too, nor would I find it arousing or good opportunity at all.

      Ok, that's true too.
    • Re: making out and having sex

      umm, oive never done anything with that girl btw and idont judge her, im just stating a fact that a lot of gus have had her and im wondeing what they did right that i did wrong. dont see how its sick that i wnt to make out with a girl without marrying her first. its just a bit of fun
    • Re: making out and having sex

      well i ws exggerating, but the point is, just because i want to have casual sex doesnt make me a bad person. for some reason everyone assumes that if a guy wants to have a one night stand, he must be using a girl, that theres no way any girl would ever want casual sex, and that theres no way that this girl actally enjoys having various sexual partners, and doesnt mind being treated as an object since she teats us exactly the same way
    • Re: making out and having sex

      alfie brown wrote:

      well i ws exggerating, but the point is, just because i want to have casual sex doesnt make me a bad person. for some reason everyone assumes that if a guy wants to have a one night stand, he must be using a girl, that theres no way any girl would ever want casual sex, and that theres no way that this girl actally enjoys having various sexual partners, and doesnt mind being treated as an object since she teats us exactly the same way

      You have the point, many girls like it.
      But even then, in one nigth stand, people shouldn't be treated like an objects and this what you said about that girl and her sexual behavior is just gross.
    • Re: making out and having sex

      you mean the girl who all the lads have had? well whats wrong with objectification? i dont particularly like her personality and i doubt she has many intelligent conversations with the guys she sleeps with. sometimes sex is just sex. to me, she is a pretty face with a vagina, nothing more. and to her, i am a willing guy with a cock. no feeling, emotion or anything, were just using each other for our own sexual needs. im a human dildo and shes a hands free wank
      im fine with that, and she is too