potential girlfriend prospect

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    • potential girlfriend prospect

      theres this one girl i know and like but now that college is out i wont get to see her much, the only contact will be facebook. i dont have her number
      i know she wants a boyfriend, and i know her last bf was 22 and played guitar and was handsome
      i am none of those, but i am funny and i am nice, and we both do drama at college though not in the same class. shes a down to earth girl, not stuck up or anything like that but she is pretty and i worry she may be out of my league. im going to try to lose wieght over the summer
      my only problem is, ive liked girls before and been rejected. shes the last girl at college i like. meeting a girl outside of college is hard
      ive no idea how to meet girls through facebook
      my friends from outside college know very few girls, even the girls that im friends (and well stay just friends) with hang around with mostly guys
      i guess theres nightclubs, but im not use to that whole scene
      but i dont like being single, maybe ill hate relationships too, what with all the drama etc but id like to try it out just to be sure.
    • Re: potential girlfriend prospect

      Don't be afraid to try. If you don't try, there's no way you're ever going to get the girl. You don't have to go and ask her out right away, but try and spend more time with her. You said you have her on facebook, right? Go ahead and message her sometime. Ask her if she wants to hang out. Maybe practice acting some, if you're both in drama. Or go out and just spend time together at the park.

      The goal is to get noticed. You said that you don't have the looks, but you're a nice guy, right? Then it's twice as important to actually TALK to her. Show her how nice of a guy you are. Then move in from there. =)

      And about your last comment.. Not all relationships are drama. If it's with the right person, you'll enjoy it.
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: potential girlfriend prospect

      alfie brown wrote:

      but i dont like being single, maybe ill hate relationships too, what with all the drama etc but id like to try it out just to be sure.

      Try it, be brave and open minded. If you are funny and nice to most girl it's more important then being handsome and popular.

      Everyone has been rejected, but if we would stop trying after first rejection then maybe 10% of people would be in relationship.