What should i do? crush on friend

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    • What should i do? crush on friend

      So this is my first time posting on a forum, but i really need help. i am in a relationship with a girl, she is very nice, she comes from a polish family who are ok people. and so far we haven't had any big fights in our relationship and it has been 6months. we got together when i was in a position where i would have dated almost anyone at that point. the only problem i have in my relationship is that i have a crush on my best friend, i have known her for over 10 years and recently we have been talking about almost everything. i have liked her since forever but i don't think she has ever liked me back as far as i know. she has a boyfriend, but he is a real jerk who doesn't care much about her and blows her off to go hang out with other girls and friends. I really like this girl, i like everything about her and i love talking to her and spending time with her, but i am in a relationship and i don't want to hurt the girl i am with for an almost 0% chance with my friend. But i cant just forget about my best friend, she's so perfect in every way i can think of!
      What should i do?
    • Re: What should i do? crush on friend

      10 year friend relationship? Thats a tough one, you wouldn't want to lose that.

      I suggest you keep your mouth shut while she has a boyfriend. Continue to be her friend, show her the true friendship you promise to give. If she's smart, she'll leave the Jerk. Meanwhile, focus on your GF. If your friend dumps the jerk, you can them tell her how you feel about her. If she likes you back, you have the choice of dumping your current GF and going out with your BFF.
    • Re: What should i do? crush on friend

      Sounds like a complicated scenario.

      For the most part, if you have stronger feelings for another woman then the one your with; that explains a lot right there, your not 'truly' in love with her as people would say. On the other hand, you don't want to break her heart and have no chance with the other girl, so this is lined out for yourself. Go by your feelings, even though the road might cause a broken heart and/or a failure at another relationship, things happen for a reason and that reason is decided by you wither you like it or not.

      Good luck. <3
      [COLOR="Teal"]Counselor at LGBT Committee Program of Ontario
      Counselor at Ontario & Manitoba Int. Counselling Service