Need help with Dad and Grandma...

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    • Need help with Dad and Grandma...

      Okay, So I need a bit of help as what to do about my family. I don't intend to sound like a drama whore, but I literally have no one else to turn to.

      I try to be a good kid, I do what I'm told, I just stay out of everyones way. But even so my dad insults me on a regular basis (with insults such as "Fatass" "Dipshit" "Ugly bitch" ect.), and when I stand up for myself, he just screams "FINE! I'LL JUST KILL MYSELF!" (He never does, he just says it to make me feel like shit for not being the submissive woman he expects me to be). He always screams it loud enough to where my grandma can hear it and thus she comes in and treats me like im some sort of hideous monster who wants to murder her precious baby boy. My grandma rejects me because im a "heratic" (i dont believe in god, so what? I'm not atheist or satanist or anything), and every day they just come in my room and just start going through everything I own, claiming theyre "cleaning" it, asking me what certain things are and insulting me saying my room is a "filthy pen befitting a pig like me". I wanna move out since i'm 18 now, but I don't have anywhere to go...They just get worse when I stand up for myself, what should I do?
    • Re: Need help with Dad and Grandma...

      It's horrible that your father and grandmother would treat you that way. =/ If it's as bad as you've said it is, you should probably just move out and get away from them.

      You should go to the closest Job and Family Services building in your area and talk to one of the advisers there. They can help set you up to move out. They'll help you get a job, get financial aid for your housing and food, and help keep you on your feet until you're able to support yourself fully. They can even help you go to college if you would like.

      Even if you don't know what you want to do, but you want to get away from them, I would recommended the Job and Family Services.

      ---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

      I looked up Texas's equivalent of Ohio's Job and Family services and found Texas Health and Human Services. This should help you get an idea of what they offer and you can search for a building near you. I hope that helps. =)
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Need help with Dad and Grandma...

      That is appalling. That is terrible for you to be treated that way. Like Wilson said, you can move out. But until you have that chance here are some things that can make your life more bearable.

      For your grandma, try talking to her. Have a mature conversation with a calm but firm voice about your religion differences. Include things about how you understand that you are a strong christian and you are fine with that. You respect her differences. But in turn you ask for the same respect. So no treating me harshly for not believing in what you believe in. No going through my stuff. You are an adult and you don't go through her stuff or yell at her about religion differences.

      For your dad, Let him know that you don't appreciate his insults and that it demeans you. Tell him that you would really appreciate it if you stopped this so then we can get to know each other better.

      also if he keeps belittling you... let him know in a calm mature manner that you are not going to play his little game of acting like he's the victim and that you will not be communicating with you at all if you can not have one decent convo with you.
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.