Please help me..

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    • Please help me..

      I like one boy 4 couple months.But I know he never liked me or anything.
      And now my bf threw a sleepover and he was there.He was nice to me all the time,and he was keep saying that Im pretty,and in one point he started to hug me on the bed and act like he was joking and he was kissing my cheek and wouldnt let me go and in one moment we almost kissed and he smiled like truly,not like he was joking anymore,and than we were looking and it was beautiful,and when my friend came back he started to joke again.Tomorow everyting was fine and we were talking like nothing hapened.But then when next time we go out with friend I felt like he was ingoring me and he was also flirting to another girl.What should I think and do now?Please help me..
    • Skatetgril he is playing you an its called puppy love an we call it one nigjt stand thank you mama an move on, if you dont like what took place let it go an dont dont do it with othere males. I unerstand how you where feeling with your emotions towards the kissing, yes it was nice to be kissed, if he kissed you on the lips he could like you , so the next day he was chatting with othere female's is that so he is playing you , you need to be careful with Male's that come on to you, mostly some of your friends are telling on you what you like an dont like, you need to unerstand that a sleep over is for female an no Male, that was a coed a mixed sleepover to have fun with the males an have some sexual activity with friends and get to know each other, you need to unetstand how many times the same group has meet for a sleep over or a get together thing, question
      1 did you like the night with your Grilefrineds.
      2, what kind of activity did you talk about, most how did uou feel, did you get hot flashes when you get all woke up an feel horny.
      3, how many males wss at the sleep over.
      4,do you trust your friends, did you enjoy the group.
      5.what kind of talk did the female had an what kind of game did you play an did the Males where in the games an talk's
      6. Would you do it again.
      Yes it hurts to be played by a Male, we have to grow up an experience life on life terms an we have to overcome stress with males alwsy trying to get into sexual, try to forget him or just be a friend when he says hi it up to you, an dont forget that you can trust your friends or look for new friends sometime they are hard to fine, an we fight with our frinds also but its partnof growing up with all the sexual issues that we faces in an out from people, an work an what you hear from othete female's also dont let your self-esteem down on one mistake, we all make mistakes in our lives from time to time,
      You might want to ask your mother about her days when she hadna sleepover with her friends an tips , good luck stay strong.