We Need Your Help! -If you click this, you are truly amazing-

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    • We Need Your Help! -If you click this, you are truly amazing-

      Hello, wonderful person who decided to click this!
      I am a member of my high school's marching band, and we are in desperate need of new uniforms! We have had the same uniforms for over a decade now.
      I entered us in the Pepsi Refresh Project, and so far, we are ranked number 119 in the 50K category! We have to reach the top 10 to be awarded any money!
      Our high school does NOT fund the band, and raising enough money for 140 uniforms is nearly impossible by ourselves.
      If you would please go to refresheverything.com and search Terry High School and vote for "Refresh Terry High School Marching Band's Old Uniforms" we would really appreciate it!
      Thanks so much for your time!