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    • Advice/help/rant

      Where to begin. My family and I have been through ALOT the past 11 mother. I have a serious eye infection that caused me to lose my senior year and eye sight in my left eye which could have been avoided if kiaser would have do e their job(whole other story) now starting college I have to go under disability and that hurts me because I never saw myself having to have so much problems starting fresh in college. I feel like no one understands. Went in yesterday to the college and I got overwhelmed and did not want to be there. Because I did not shake the women's hand my mother is now upset. She comes at me yelling and upset and mad thinking that will get me to tell her what wrong. I have no idea how to communicate with her. She calls me a brat and I just take it scared that what I say will get her more upset. She comes home today and once again yells at me askin me questions likedo you want me to hate you?" or do you want me to resent you? She tells me I'm selfish and never think of others but when I go & talk to people all I ever talk about is how bad and horrible I feel about this huge burden I have put on them because of my eye problem. This is not even the whole story I just needed to write something now. Thanks for reading