I can't get along with people my age.

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    • I can't get along with people my age.

      I need some advice on this and some opinions as to if these are normal feelings...

      I never seem to get along with people my age (18 years old) for long periods of time. When I was a kid in grade school, I never really had a problem. But when I got to high school that all changed and my whole personality and outlook on the world changed. I started to hate everyone.

      I guess I don't like how a lot of teenagers carry on and drink, smoke, party, have sex, etc.... I don't do any of that and I don't fit in because of it.

      I'm moving in to college next week and I am completely terrified that I'm not going to get along with anyone. It's like I'm shutting everyone out before I even get there.

      Please somebody help me out with this... I don't know if these are normal feelings or not. It's like I want to be left alone, but when I'm alone I get really sad. Please help...:confused:
      [COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Fixedsys"]~bullet-proof lonliness~[/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      The wonderful thing about college is that there are a variety of people who are a variety of different ages. It's more than likely you'll find someone that you'll get along with and has the same views/interests as you.

      It's totally normal, and as much as it doesn't seem like it, there are tons of other kids out there just like you.
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      HockeyFan wrote:

      i bet you neg rep me for poor conciling

      nothing wrong with partying and drugs

      Yeah nothing wrong if your career aspiration is to be a homeless bum.

      And really... conciling? Next time spell counseling correctly when you are trying to make a decent case against me.
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      I commend you for being the way you are, and for not getting carried away with the whole party scene because it's true, most people your age and college aged are into that kind of shit. Who needs it really? You need to be aware that once you go to college that party scene is going to be everywhere you go, but at the same time colleges are huge and campuses are filled with all different kinds of people. You'll find the group that fits you and your personality well so don't sweat it. :)
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      Sami wrote:

      I commend you for being the way you are, and for not getting carried away with the whole party scene because it's true, most people your age and college aged are into that kind of shit. Who needs it really? You need to be aware that once you go to college that party scene is going to be everywhere you go, but at the same time colleges are huge and campuses are filled with all different kinds of people. You'll find the group that fits you and your personality well so don't sweat it. :)

      Sami is dead right. As long as you remain open to meeting new people, you will find a group of people you fit in with just right at uni. Also remember, that just because people make different choices to you doesn't automatically preclude you from being good friends with them. I'm much like you (all right, exactly alike, just a year further down the track), and have one group of friends who have countless stories about being drunk. Don't compromise who you are, but don't make judgements of people on too little evidence either!
      [CENTER][COLOR="Green"]If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      Agassi wrote:

      Yeah nothing wrong if your career aspiration is to be a homeless bum.

      And really... conciling? Next time spell counseling correctly when you are trying to make a decent case against me.

      im not a homeless bum and have a job
      not all people who party have no job

      but i like to party and that always includes drugs and alcohol

      besides pot is better for you than cigarettes
      its not adicting and the smoke isnt bad for you either
      i smoke a couple times a day and am fine
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      HockeyFan wrote:

      besides pot is better for you than cigarettes
      its not adicting and the smoke isnt bad for you either
      i smoke a couple times a day and am fine

      Not gonna deny that pot itself isn't worse than cigarettes, and I would rather my guy smoke pot than cigarettes, but it CAN be addicting, and it does often lead to more harmful drugs. So in a sense it can be worse.
      And your brain cells would beg to differ than you're fine.
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      HockeyFan wrote:

      im not a homeless bum and have a job
      not all people who party have no job

      but i like to party and that always includes drugs and alcohol

      besides pot is better for you than cigarettes
      its not adicting and the smoke isnt bad for you either
      i smoke a couple times a day and am fine

      Lol this guy ^

      Trying to convince me that it's a good idea to do drugs...

      Ha... hahaha!
    • Re: I can't get along with people my age.

      HockeyFan wrote:

      it is
      there fun and not that bad
      theres worst things to do

      Really? Having your irreplaceable brain cells die, your organs fail, losing money to dealers, and making stupid choices due to being high isn't that bad?
      Honestly I used to do pot, but pot is a gateway drug, when pot isn't good enough you want more. It's not worth it