Im crushing on my best friend

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    • Im crushing on my best friend

      ok well heres the thing. Im bisexual. My boyfriend help me come to turns with myself about maybe 5 months ago when he realized I had a huge crush on a close friend of mine. now before you thing something you shouldn't no Im not going to dump him for her and he fuly understands what Im going through and supports me fully. Well she's my first girl crush and Ive been wanting to work up the courage to tell her to her face my feelings for her because, well she's a close friend of mine and its hurts me to keep anything from her. But everytime I planned to, something went wrong where I couldnt. Now Im going off to college in less then a week and Ill be seeing her and a few friends tomorrow for the last time before we all go our seperate ways. Im planning on telling her then. Now heres the hard part: Im having a hard time not chickening out. Shes a very shy girl and even though shes understanding I dont know how understanding she is. I just dont want to scare her away. And, like my boyfriend points out here and there, she's probably not into girls but then he gets my hopes up that she is. Not like I could ever be with her but he told me if he could choose one girl for me to at least get alittle exp. with it would be her. So in the end I guess Im really just scared to scare her away or get a broken heart. Sorry for the long message btw. Its helps to rant alittle. ^^;
      ~always and forever~:love1:
    • Re: Im crushing on my best friend

      Sometimes when it's difficult to say something, it helps to write it down. So one thing you could do is write out your feelings – nothing too extreme; as you said you don't want to scare her. Spend as much time as it takes to edit, and make sure you've said what you mean. Print it out neatly, or write it longhand if you feel that more appropriate.

      As you'll be meeting in the company of other friends, put what you've written in an envelope and give it to her at an appropriate moment. I don't think it matters that she may not feel the same way about you as you do about her; if she's your best friend anyway she'll want to help and support you.

      I'm trying to think how you might say it . . . maybe something like “I know you probably don't feel the same way about me, but as you are such a good friend I felt I must tell you. I really hope we can work this out together, and that it won't damage our friendship. It's been really difficult for me to say this - I just hope you'll understand”.

      If you'd rather not have it written down, send an email or text; but it will be better if you are there in person.

      One can never tell with human relationships – sometimes wonderful things happen in the most unlikely circumstances. If you don't explain your feelings you'll never find out, so do try. And good luck in this very sensitive situation :)
    • Re: Im crushing on my best friend

      I had a crush on another girl for like a year once, but it passed and we're still friends. I never told anyone and I never will tell anyone who knows her. I consider myself to be straight because physically-- ;) and emotionally, i'd rather be with a guy.

      If I were you, I wouldn't tell her. She doesn't need to know. I try to imagine if I were in her position, and I wouldn't freak out, but i'd probably distance myself from you and hope it would all pass. I wouldn't want to know I was causing you pain because I didn't like you in the same way. It sounds you have a good friendship and you shouldn't spoil that.

      You're going to college where you'll meet lots of new people. Think of it as a fresh start. You'll want to remember the good things about your time before college and leave it with a happy ending, not an uncomfortable one.

      Best of luck