Excel save files confussingly big

    • Excel save files confussingly big

      I'm pretty damn confused by this, I use Excel for a good amount of things in life and I've been using it for one in-particular thing, such as recording money spent and received; some habit I developed. That file itself is only 220KB (and has over 12+ tabs of info), however I am working on a new spreadsheet to calculate predicted bill payments, money spent elsewhere, etc. for the upcoming months. What I don't get is, after so many saves the document jumps from say about 42KB to 5MB; On a older version of the document which I had to delete, it jumped to 42MB which was extremely laggy to work with.

      I was just wondering if anyone has any clue as to why it is doing this and how to prevent it. I originally thought having loads of ranges individually named was a problem, but I guess not.

      I just deleted a copied tab which I was working on which was seriously no different to the tab I copied it from and then saved it and the file size dropped back to 42KB. So weird. =/