I need help...

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    • I need help...

      I spent 2 hours today, crying, trying to figure what to do and who i could turn to. So i decided to text message (was crying to hard dot actually talk on the phone) my teacher about the problem I'm having.

      Well, for the past...2 months I've been confused about my own sexuality. Honestly I consider myself bi/bi-curious. At my school I found someone who was similar to me/ had the same problem. He too was bi curious. So we got talking for a few days and finally I asked him out, despite how nervous i was. He and I have been going out for the past 2 weeks now. Yesterday I had gone over his house for a cookout (he invited me) I was happily greeted by his mother and her significant (keep in mind neither of our parents know we're bi) other. He and I sorta planned to take a walk and talk and whatnot. After the walked he and I were called back to his house to help put up chairs and tables for the guests who would soon arrive. We did so, played games, ate, then we went out for another walk. That's when we had our first first actual kiss. It felt like it was a movie or tv show because just then his mother called his cellphone and asked for us to return to his house to see the guests off. When approaching his home his mom asked to talk to him inside. I worried for the worst, afraid she may know what was going on between he and I. Later on that night, after I arrived home and was talking to my bf through txt message, he suddenly stopped. What had come to my mind was that his mother had taken his cellphone and looked through his txts. So i went to bed with a worried heart. This morning I txt messaged his cell and waited for a reply. Later on i received an email from him stating his mother had taken his phone, but he had deleted the txts before she could see them, which really upset her. A few minutes later his mother used his cellphone to txt my phone, impersonating him, trying to get information out of me. I played stupid, pretending not to know anything. Then my bf suddenly stopped sending emails and his mother replied back with his cell:
      "PLaying stupid? Will you play stupid when I tell your parents?"
      My heart sank. What would my parents think of me? There son was a half faggot. I began to worry and cry....
      That's when I txt messaged my teacher, asking for her advice. She said she and I could talk tomorrow at school and that I should probably seek help on a teen forum website as well.
      So a few hours later i decided to balls up and txt my bf's mother... well...he had became my ex now because i thought it would be better for him. I felt as if i was tearing his family apart.
      Here's the txt messages in order:
      Me: "Ms (insert name here), I have one question. Do you hate me? I cant live with the thought of someone despising me because of something I've done"
      His mom: "I dont hate anyone. But my son liked girls untill you came along"
      Me: "Ma'am...I'm just trying to be mature about this. I've spent the last several hours talking to my teachers about how i could amend things with you. Yes, I said my teachers, because i thought it would be better seeking an adult's view/advice about this. Your son had told me once that would sad you'd still love him even if he was gay/bi, right? Keep in mind im not trying to make things worse."
      His mom: " I love my son. But my son is not mature enough to make decisions like that. You are not acting mature about this if you cant talk to your parents."
      Me: " I am planning on talking to my parents, trust me. I'm just trying to figure out the correct way to come across to them about it. I dont want to be disowned or hated by them for having a slight curiosity."
      His mom: " Telling my son you love him is not a slight curiosity"
      Me: "I'm sorry fi it offended you in any way ma'am....I really don't want to upset you any further. It's extremely hard to come out to your parents when you know they're homophobic...it's like deep down you know they're going to hate something about you. I cant live feeling hated by anyone, especially those close to me."
      His mom: " If your parents love you, they will accept you."
      Me: "I know. I just dont want to shock them when I tell them. I was already told that they would be upset at first but they would get over it. I just need some sort of support..."
      His mom: " Well your teachers can support you. Not my son. If he goes into the military he has a bright future. But not if he's gay."
      Me: "If this is your final decision ma'am then i will not attempt to change your mind. Mother knows what's best. I'm sorry to have come between you and your son. Do you wish for me to not have contact with him?"
      His mom: "I wish you too not tell my son you love him or kiss him anymore. Or anything else you two may have done."
      Me: " Yes ma'am. May I have your consent to be his friend?"
      His mom: "I'm still thinking."
      Me: "Okay. Please do take your time."
      His mom: "One more thing. If mothers know best, than your mother should know"

      I think i should tell my mom.....but she might hate me...or disown me...I'm too frightened to tell my step dad because I'm the only 'son' he has and I dont want him thinking any less of me...
      I'm a good kid...I make great grades...i keep up with work at school...I dont get into any trouble...but why does this happen.
      Please I need someone's advice.
      I think it would be best for me to tell my mom rather than anyone else...So i plan on doing it tomorrow morning before school...

      Please...If anyone has any advice...let me know...I need all the help i can get..:(
    • Re: I need help...

      I can't really speak from experience here, but I guess I can attempt to help. The important thing you should do is research -- lots of it. When or if you do come out, be sure to have this information ready. PFLAG provides .pdf documents aimed at parents of gay/lesbian/bisexual teens and leave this information for your mom whether or not she takes it badly.

      Is your family religious and/or conservative? These give a slight indication of how a parent may take it, though not the most accurate. For all you know, a person can be this hardcore Christian and still support homosexuality.
      Also, come out when your mother is relaxed. I would not do so before you leave for school; your mom is probably in a hurry for work or something. Only come out if you feel comfortable coming out. Only do it when you're 100% sure you are gay or bisexual.

      And reading that dialogue between you and your friend's mom makes me rage. :mad: I seriously cannot understand why parents feel it imperative to intrude on their child's private life.

      Anyway, welcome to Teenhut and feel free to PM me if you want to chat. :)