Help in highschool

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    • Help in highschool

      i just started grade 9 today (sept. 6) and it was ok but really hectic and crazy and overwhelming. i know whos in my classes and i have friends in all of them but i really hate going from class to class. we only have 5 minutes and it goes by so fast. i carry period 1+2 books in my side bag then go to my locker and get periods 3+4 then either go to lunch or period 3 and when i go to my locker i never have enough time and the bell always rings. the stairs are ALWAYS crowded. theres 1700 kids in the school and being the youngest grade everyone just pushes you out of their way. im always rushing to find my class or get to the bus after school because we only have 2 minutes to get to the bus and find it. people are always pushing in the halls and around lockers and im rushing so much i get too overwhelmed. any advice.
    • Re: Help in highschool

      My little sister just started high school this year, too. :) I think she's finding it to be much the same way - lots of distance to cover in a small amount of time.

      I think she just carries around one binder and stuff in her bag the whole day, and only uses her locker at lunch. She then sorts out the work she did during the day when she gets home.

      It's overwhelming, but stick with your friends and eventually you'll fall into a pattern and know the quickest way to get somewhere, etc. The first day is always very hectic, and it should calm down as the year goes on.
    • Re: Help in highschool

      It was the first day, of course it seemed extremely stressful and insane. It will get easier. You'll learn the fastest way to get between lockers and classes. Be patient, everyone is a little rude and pushy and in the way during the first week. If you're having THAT bad a time still in a few weeks, talk to your teachers and let them know and see if you can work something out (if you're polite and respectful, you'd be surprised what you can get)— maybe they can let you leave a few mins earlier to reach your bus on time, or give you an extra minute or two to get there/leave a few mins earlier for your next class.
    • Re: Help in highschool

      It was the same when I first started. And most of my friends don't even have a locker they can go to because it's just out of their way, so they carry everything with them. And we only have 4 minutes of passing time. We've been begging for five for years, so consider yourself lucky.
      You just need to get in the swing of things. I was late to most of my classes the first year too. Eventually after about a month you'll get into it and figure out ways get everywhere you need to be on time and when you can get your stuff from your locker in between that.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Help in highschool

      Congrats on making it to high school. I know it can be hectic at first, especially the first weeks of the first year where everyone is adjusting to a new school, new teachers and trying to fit in with 1699 other kids. Don't worry, it was die down by the second semester of the year, and everything will be more calm. Until then these might help...

      Unfortunately because there will always be mass chaos, crowds and small hallways, that means that you are going to have to deal with being pushed. Staying to the side of the hall is good, that way less people can run you over. Stay with the flow and don't stop dead in the hallway. That causes people to trip and a few words might be thrown as well. Also, if it really bothers you, then try to make an effort to get out of class first when the bell rings, in order to avoid chaos.
      Once you know your schedule like the back of your hand, you will be more effiecient in getting to where you are going in a timely manner. and you won't need to rush as much and get pushed. as much. Good luck
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
    • Re: Help in highschool

      dancer.ldp wrote:

      i just started grade 9 today (sept. 6) and it was ok but really hectic and crazy and overwhelming. i know whos in my classes and i have friends in all of them but i really hate going from class to class. we only have 5 minutes and it goes by so fast. i carry period 1+2 books in my side bag then go to my locker and get periods 3+4 then either go to lunch or period 3 and when i go to my locker i never have enough time and the bell always rings. the stairs are ALWAYS crowded. theres 1700 kids in the school and being the youngest grade everyone just pushes you out of their way. im always rushing to find my class or get to the bus after school because we only have 2 minutes to get to the bus and find it. people are always pushing in the halls and around lockers and im rushing so much i get too overwhelmed. any advice.

      next person who pushes u, u fucking punch their lights out. start a reputation early and noone will fuck with u.

      also stop being such a faggot. carry all ur books with u at once and build ur strength up, start by adding a book a day into ur bag if ur a weak fuck. by the time u hit year 12, you'll have the maddest rep for a badass guy all the bitches will love u and ull be able to haul books and shit around like a boss.

      stop getting so overwhelmed wtf its only school and it doesnt count for shit after u finish "that which is urgent is rarely important, that which is important rarely urgent" remember these words


      srsly this place should be called "Lazyday General teen advice" im the only one who gives good advices
    • Re: Help in highschool

      anyone else notice the fact that there are 1700 kids in his high school? :o must be a huge building. anyways, my tip is to plan out your route. for the first bit of grade 9, its going to be a pain. in our school, there's usually two or more ways to get from point A to point B. i've noticed that sometimes the longer route is faster because there tends to be less traffic there. school buildings have multiple entrances, so try to find the closest door to your point A (the class you left) and point B (the class you're going to) and then if they're conveniently close, i would suggest going around from the outside (usually faster than mushing through a hoard of students).

      if you're getting pushed out of the way, i assume you're small in height, that can be a great advantage if you learn to use it. face perpendicular to the direction you have to go (so if you have to go west, face north or south) then stick out the closer hand in the direction your going (so you're going west, facing north, stick out your left hand) then kinda "slice" your way through traffic. being small gives you the advantage of easily slipping through small spaces and when you're walking sideways (like i mentioned above) its even more easier to zip through a huge crowd (i personally use it all the time when i'm in a jam)

      another suggestion is try and leave early and walk fast. people may call you an idiot for rushing to class, but at least you won't be going to class late and potentially missing out important info. if you exit the room right at the bell and walk fast, you can cover a whole lot of ground before people even start to walk out in the hallway, reducing the length you'll have to cover in a crowd.

      as for the lockers, (if i understand correctly you have p1, 2, lunch, 3, 4), go straight to lunch, eat up, when you're done eating (maybe ~ 1/2 way through lunch) access your locker since there's almost no traffic. and then get your books for p 3 and 4. if its a school bus, then you try and finding the exit closest to your last period class. when you're out in the open, there's a smaller crowd, so you can freely run towards your bus. if its a public bus, then they come every few minutes anywho, you'll just be a little late, but will get home safely. don't worry, you'll get used to the system in no time ;) keep your chin up
      Welcome to the world; welcome to the biggest Mindfuck of your life