Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

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    • Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

      SO, today i saw my doctor and we talked about PE (premature ejaculation)... it's been affecting me for about 6 months now and i just don't want to deal with it anymore! my gf is really understanding and is supporting me more than i could ask for but i just wanted to hear other people's stories about premature ejaculation and how/if they got over this embarassing problem... Also, i'm a bit confused, what does a sex counselor actually do especially in regards to treating PE? if i can't overcome this shit i'm going to go back to the doc's and he said he will give me anti-depressents which are quite likely to fix the problem :)

      Thanks in advance :)
      Life is tough. Be tougher.
    • Re: Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

      Alucard 117 wrote:

      How old is the OP?
      That would be good to know. There's certain things you can do to help train your body to prevent PE.

      One method is to practice the start and stop technique, where you learn to feel and control the sensations that leads to ejaculation. The best way to do this is practice by yourself. It's much more difficult when you're with your GF because she may not want you to stop.

      What you do is bring yourself close to orgasm and then stop for a period of time until you're below 'the point of no return'. Once below this point, you can masturbating again until you're close again then rest. Keep repeating this process over and over making sure you don't go too close to the edge.

      Once you have mastered this technique and get used to the feeling and know when to stop or slow down, you can try it during intercourse with your GF.

      I've used this technique for years and can orgasm pretty much when I want. I like to time it so I cum at the same time as my GF.

      Practice makes perfect! :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Gameboy27 ().

    • Re: Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

      The stop and start method that Gameboy mentioned is a good habit to get into in general, regardless of what gender you are. However, it could really help in this situation. The only reason I could see this not working is if you cannot control when you finish, or the time it takes you to finish is ridiculously short (like 5 seconds).
    • Re: Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

      ivaiva wrote:

      Um, Idk what is your problem exactly but.....
      Can't you last longer in round 2?
      Can't you go more slowly, stop and go again?
      Use thicker condoms?
      Makes her cum during foreplay...?

      These are the questions,

      so how bad is it?

      are you really nervious?

      do you have this problem with foreplay type stuff or only with penetration?
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

      @Ivaiva - I do last longer in round 2 but not a great deal longer and yeah i do usually go slowly and at a regular tempo you could say. I'd like to stop when i almost reach the point of no return but if i last only 20 seconds, its quite hard to control - i feel nothing then suddenly its too late -__- i often use the start stop method (edging) when im on my own and i can go for more than an hour before i give in... I haven't tried specifically thicker condoms but I have tried the climax control ones with the special lube that 'numbs' the penis - no success there... I make my girl cum AT LEAST once beforewe move to sex which is probably why she isnt too frustrated at my dismal attempts xD

      @Kevmo - its always been bad, i average less than a minute every time... there have only been 2 totally RANDOM times where i've gone 20 mins or more which were totally expected and had me and my girl pretty much laughing with joy hehe... foreplay is fine, its just penetration, i'd like to think i'm not nervous but i think sub consciously i go into sex THINKING that i wont last so you could say my confidence is quite low (i'm working on it, think positive thoughts right!)

      I tried kegel excercises for about a month with marginal improvement but tbh it was a half-assed try... i resumed kegel excercises the other day and am doing them 3 times a day everyday :)

      <thanks so much for all the responses, i really do appreciate them!>
      Life is tough. Be tougher.
    • Re: Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

      @Kevmo - yeah mate, i'll have a thinking sesh at why i might be subconsciously nervous but i think it stems from failed expectations. It's hard to regain the confidence after 6+ months of failure. Gotta start somewhere hey! I only get to see my girl about once a week at the moment with year 12 being so busy, not to mention she lives 40 mins away from me. We have sexytime pretty much everytime we see eachother now so for the whole week I think i'm feeling nervous about how I'll perform - this most certainly wouldn't help my cause :/ I don't think i should be seeing sex as such a big deal like i am now...

      <sorry, i might just be thinking aloud here xD>

      Takumi Usui wrote:

      Why don't u masturbate before the game?

      believe me, i've tried. I got myself off TWICE about 2 or 3 hrs before the game and still blew early -__-

      EDIT: just thought i'd add that her parents are usually asleep in a room up the hall whenever we have sex :P probably just adding to the nervousness tbh...
      Life is tough. Be tougher.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TOC: coz' i felt like it ().

    • Re: Sex Counselor and premature ejaculation?

      BRAG: had the best sex of my life last night and made her cum 4 times over 2 hrs :D


      for others in my position, i blame my success on:
      - taking it slow at first and focussing ur energy away from ejaculating
      - breathing, big, slow and deep breaths
      - PC muscle, use it wisely!
      - climax control condoms (still dont think they had any impact)
      - Kevmo ;)
      Life is tough. Be tougher.