no one understand they just do not listen! am i a bad person!!!

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    • no one understand they just do not listen! am i a bad person!!!

      Ive recently had a very hard time and i didnt know what else to do i just need help badly! Well a few weeks ago i ended up getting myself into a terrible situation i was at a party and i got unbelievebly drunk where i had no idea what i was doing and had no self control at all! Straight to the point i ended up sleeping with my bestfriends ex but unwillingly! I know its my own fault but i am deeply sorry! All my bestfriends hate me along with everyone else at school! I have no one at all so im left to eating my sandwichs in toilet cubicals at dinner! Everyones pushing me and pushing me with looks and little comments i can not take much more! My mum and dad had no idea but i decided to tell them last night i needed help badly with depression they ignored that part. They shouted they are so angry and so disserpoint and now i feel worse! I wanted to move on but now my dads going to the police for rape. This pain is two much! For the last month every moment has been about a stupid mistake and it wont stop haunting me am i better off dead? The only person i had left was someone i loved so much, jake! We had been seeing each other from way before the summer he made me so happy! I wanted to tell him but i didnt want to lose him either. Then i found pictures on facebook of my exbestfriends with him i was so hurt and heartbroken because i knew what happend. He was so upset it hurts to know i hurt him! Now he wont talk to me and he hates me! I really needed him, and i needed my bestfriends but the touture and pain there purpoly causing me is to much. Please someone help or suicied is my only answer!!!!
    • Re: no one understand they just do not listen! am i a bad person!!!

      Suicide is never the answer. I think that basically you fucked up, and now youve got to try and take back some control in the situ. Tell your Dad that it wasnt rape. You were just too drunk and made a stupid choice (unless of course it was rape in which case of course you need to talk to the police). Keep on trying to talk to your bestfriends, try and explain it was a stupid mistake and that you would do anything to take it back and if after that they still dont want to talk to you....well....make some new friends and forget about them!
      [CENTER]E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle ♥
    • Re: no one understand they just do not listen! am i a bad person!!!

      Suicide is the weak way out. I don't recommend it. Plus, if you fail, that would give them all the more reason to talk badly about you. A definite bad idea.

      You need to take control and own up to your actions. And honestly, if your friends were your true friends, they'd understand. You were totally G.O.N.E from this world drunk if what you say is true. Sure, you did something wrong, but everyone messes up. Especially if drugs or alcohol is involved. Stand up for yourself and tell them all to get over it. If you live your life based on what people think and in fear of being an outcast or judged harshly, you'll never live. Once you show them that you know you've made a mistake, but you're not going to let it rule you, it's now THEIR problem, not yours.
      [SIZE=3]Love isn't something found or borrowed or even dreamed of. It isn't made, shown, or fought for. Love is something made, shown, AND fought for.[/SIZE]
    • Re: no one understand they just do not listen! am i a bad person!!!

      sophiedanielle wrote:

      I can't even thank you enough for that post! ^^^ xx

      I can't welcome you enough. Similar situations have aroused in my life and I live everyday being judged and people not even attempting to understand. I just said "whatever" to it and next thing you know, my life starts gaining order again. I really hope this works out for you hun:hugs:
      [SIZE=3]Love isn't something found or borrowed or even dreamed of. It isn't made, shown, or fought for. Love is something made, shown, AND fought for.[/SIZE]