Can I move on?

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    • Can I move on?

      I have been living in the same place for the last ten years and i've made few friends. but that was my choice. now my dad got a job somewhere else, and i dont want to tell him i dont want to go. but i dont want to leave the friends and family i've made here. i dont want to tell my friends that im leaving either, but i cant just leave. how do i get through the Goodbyes? how do i tell them that im leaving? and most do i cope with being a new kid all over again?
    • Re: Can I move on?

      Hi. You have to face the fact that you really are moving. Be happy for your dad for his new found opportunity. And, you have to say good bye sooner or later to your friends. It's hard but you have to do it. If you leave without saying goodbye, it will be harder and even more hurtful for everyone. Friendship isn't measured by distance after all. You can still be friends with them even if you're miles apart. The only constant thing is this world is change, you should remember that. Don't be so hard on yourself. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by blackslip010: Forgot to add something ().

    • Re: Can I move on?

      Moving can be hard, not only the experience being the new kid and trying to make new friends, but even the good byes. I suggest you start off by telling your dad how you feel. You deserve a say in whether or not you move. This is your life, and if you don't like how something is going, voice it out. Let someone know so that something may change in your favor. I don't know what the conditions are for your dad and his choice, but you'll never know if you could have stayed if you don't sit down and talk to him about how you feel about all this.

      If you do have to move, start off telling your close friends. Let them know when and where you're going. Then most likely, word will spread and people will come asking you if you're moving, and you won't even have to go to them. Then you can explain it to them. There's no easy way to say goodbye. You and your closest friends can get together the weekend before you move and stay over, or go out somewhere and just hang out, just do something that represents a goodbye. Maybe when you talk to your dad you can ask for his advice too and see what he thinks.

      As for coping, you've been a new kid before. You know what it's like. Try and talk to people as soon as you can so you're not known as the "quiet kid" and no one wants to approach you. Try and join clubs in things you're interested in and you'll meet people who have similar interests. Just get yourself out there and hit the floor running. The sooner you make some friends in the new place, the easier it will be to cope with the move, because you'll feel more accepted, which is the real reason some people are uncomfortable when they're somewhere new.

      You've gotten through it before, and you sure can again. A move is hard to deal with, but not impossible.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Can I move on?

      Hey sweetheart!
      Moving is hard, I lived in Essex upto the age of fourteen then moved up to Liverpool.
      I found it hard at first, but hell! If you want true friends when you move just be yourself. Cause true friends will love you for that no matter who you are :)
      Maybe suggest to your family that you all go up for a weekend or something before you move?
      So you can get used to the area and it's surroundings a little bit first??
      Hope all goes well!
      I love my baby bump!
      GraceMay - Due 25.12.11