"Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

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    • "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      Everyone ignores me but when they do bother to listen, they jump on me and criticize everything I say.

      People fake liking me for whatever reason and then they proceed to make fun of me behind my back.

      I hate the world and I hate people because of all this. It's been going on for as long as I can remember but it's just recently that my feelings and depression have escalated.

      Sometimes I don't want to live anymore. I feel like everyone would be happier without me around because I'm just a burden to the world.

      I wish people could understand me and really see how nice and genuine I am. But no one ever gives a chance.

      Certain music is the only reason I'm still alive. I'm so lonely that all I have are those musicians singing through my headphones. I wish more people could be like them because they are the only people who share the same feelings as me.

      I hate life.

      I need someone to come along and save me. I wish one person could come along and change my outlook on this ugly world. I'm so upset and alone that I can't stand it anymore.
      [COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Fixedsys"]~bullet-proof lonliness~[/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      Some people are like that, and that doesn't say anything about you. It doesn't neccessarally make them bad people, either. They're either misunderstanding you or living with their minds closed because they don't know any other way to live.

      I'd say that in itself is a reason to live. Proving people wrong, showing them the truth, and exposing them to things they don't understand could be how you change the world for the better.

      Being ignored is a roadblock you would have to get around to achieve this goal, and you would have to do that without appearing needy or obnoxious. "Excuse me," along with a good throat clearing is always a polite way to get attention, but I guess that was kind of not what you were hoping to hear and I don't know what else to say.

      To stop being criticized and start opening people's minds, using logic to back up opinions while still speaking kindly and in a non-acussatory fashion might help.

      I am very thankful for that music because the world needs more people like you, different and willing to express it despite the immediate disapproval of your peers. Good luck opening minds.
      I just said something unforgivably stupid, didn't I?
    • Re: "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      Well I agree with above :)
      Some ppl are indeed that way, only interested in theirselfs and their own friends and stuff.

      Well all I can say is don't worry too much about what other people say about you. And like Thatonekid above already said for a good way to get attention, just repeat it or do somthing else to get attention.

      I always had that myself too and still have, I didn't do anything about it myself cause I didn't really cared about that people who talked about me or ignored me.

      And if you need anyone to talk to you can pm me whenever you want :)
      Don't worry about it too much, will be allright :)
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      I've been there. I know how it feels to look around at the world and wonder why you're still living in it, and I know how it feels to feel alone and to think you're just a burden to everyone around you. You're not alone though even if you think so. People deal with these issues everyday, and everyone goes through the moments in life where they search for true friends and have people talk behind their backs.

      I suggest you try to find true friends. People who aren't going to talk behind your back and are going to listen to you and try to understand your point of view even if they disagree with it. Let me tell you, it took me a long time to find true friends. Don't settle for friends who are going to talk shit on you. Learn that it's okay for you to be alone right now. It's better off being independent and alone than have people talking shit and bringing down your self esteem. In time things will get better, just keep hanging in there.
    • Re: "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      CorkTreeXO wrote:

      I hate the world and I hate people because of all this.

      I feel like everyone would be happier without me around because I'm just a burden to the world.

      I hate life.

      I wish one person could come along and change my outlook on this ugly world. I'm so upset and alone that I can't stand it anymore.

      How can you NOT see the relation between the crap like this you say above, and the odds that someone will like you?

      You think people want to be around negativity and gloom like that?

      You think when people leave the house and go to school, or a party, or work or wherever, they're like "Man, I hope I meet the saddest person on earth today! Totally hope I can be friends with the person who hates all people and life in general! So excited to meet someone so lonely they send out cries for help online!"


      People aren't interested in that. And you're receiving in life JUST what you're giving in life.

      You don't have to be someone else for people to like you. You have to be YOUR best self. And THIS isn't your best self, is it? This isn't the coolest and most awesome you. You can be better than this. So start being better than this. Your life is your choice.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      adamalv1215 wrote:

      How can you NOT see the relation between the crap like this you say above, and the odds that someone will like you?

      You think people want to be around negativity and gloom like that?

      You think when people leave the house and go to school, or a party, or work or wherever, they're like "Man, I hope I meet the saddest person on earth today! Totally hope I can be friends with the person who hates all people and life in general! So excited to meet someone so lonely they send out cries for help online!"


      People aren't interested in that. And you're receiving in life JUST what you're giving in life.

      You don't have to be someone else for people to like you. You have to be YOUR best self. And THIS isn't your best self, is it? This isn't the coolest and most awesome you. You can be better than this. So start being better than this. Your life is your choice.

      People make me that way! Don't you fucking understand? See?? Now YOU are making me angry. If you're not going to help me, then go away. Stop being so fucking mean.
      [COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Fixedsys"]~bullet-proof lonliness~[/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      I don't think adamalv1215 was being intentionally rude. He was just a little heavy on the criticism side of constructive criticism.

      I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this incorrectly, but he might have just been saying that you have the power to break the cycle.

      People are often closed-minded, which makes you outwardly upset, which closes potential friends' minds, which in turn makes you even more upset.

      Breaking that cycle was all he was suggesting. I don't know how he plans on you changing your outlook when your position is perfectly justified, but figuring out how to enjoy yourself despite what others may think is definitely one of the best secrets you cold learn. Learning to assume the best in people, like believing he was only trying to help,on the other hand, is a double edged sword. You may want to find a happy medium between optimism and pessimism there.

      I'm glad you're still alive.
      I just said something unforgivably stupid, didn't I?
    • Re: "Trapped in a world where everyone hates me"

      I'm pretty sure admalv1215 wasn't intentionally trying to convey a threatening attitude in his/her post but sometimes it takes being a little rough in order for you to understand that only you can change your outlook on life. You hold the key to open doors. Sure, friends and family help but you are the one to make that decision. It seems like you hit rock bottom so it's time for you to get back up and start climbing.

      "Everyone ignores me but when they do bother to listen, they jump on me and criticize everything I say."

      "People fake liking me for whatever reason and then they proceed to make fun of me behind my back."

      One thing i will say about these two things (above) You have the choice to ignore them just like the people that ignore you. Heck, i think you're better off ignoring them and talking to some new people. You don't have to let these things affect you. Show some confidence girl and stand up to the crap you don't want to take. Just do the things you want to do and you'll feel better about yourself. Start with a smile! There will always be criticizing and talking behind people's back - that's human nature. The important thing is not letting it affect you mentally.

      I would love to elaborate more on all this stuff but I think that's already a handful to read.

      If you have any further questions or just wanna chat just pop a PM in my box and i'll get back to you ASAP. Hope you feel better~!
      "When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises." :hugs: