Be the first members (free stuff, socializing, earn money, win things))

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    • Be the first members (free stuff, socializing, earn money, win things))

      hey guys, i know i havent been here for a while but i would like to promote my site/forum if thats ok :) i promise im not promoting and leaving. yall have my word

      Home - No money, no problem!

      so i just made it today and i need members! its a site/forum about getting free stuff

      On this site i promote free samples i find (ive already posted 2), show ways to earn money, promote blogs, promote blog giveaways, promote sweepstakes, etc. so basically if u join, i promise you'' start getting stuff in the next 4-6 weeks (these things take time, sorry) but its F R E E

      members have profiles, u can have friends, if u have a blog and do giveaways i can promote it, and other cool stuff

      why join now?
      1. first 15 members gets triple entries whenever i do my first giveaway
      2. im going to need admins/mods so you never know, you could be one!
      3. if it hopefully gets popular, you can say "i watched this site grow, i was one of the first members here"
      4.because u love me (jk jk most of u dont know me, heck all of u dont know me)
      5. because i will give u a virtual hug :hugs:
      6. chuck norris says to join

      ok i cant think of anymore reasons so yea everything is free, go join! WARNING: it's new (today is its' birthday) so there's not many posts yet